Welcome to my peeji. ^_^ If you haven't noticed, I pretty much redid the whole thing. ^_^; Why? Well I got really sick of it. I took down alot of the links to a few sections...(they'll go back up...some day. *smiles innocently and twists some of her hair* If someone wants to help the old baba rework the Demona shrine...hmm...?^_-)

A few of the links maaaay not work yet, but they all will by Christmas Vacation. ^_^; Eh-heh...soIhope. Ah, eventually I'll have all my banner exchanges and web-rings back up too, but it's going to take a while. ^_^;; Gomen nasai.

s a i l o r m o o n
-Ask the Senshi
f u s h i g i y u u g i
-Gen-chan's L. Sake Cup
-Rei-Rei's FY Heaven
a n i m e & j- c u l t u r e
-Mailing List
-Anime Smileys
-Otaku Dialect
s u p p o r t & l i n k s
-MC Banner Ex.
a r t w o r k
-Request Form
c o n t a c t
-Sign ~ View G. Book
ICQ 997555

Hosted by Geocities.
Contents, HTML, and all web graphics unless otherwise stated, © 1997-1998 Svetlana. BG thanks to Lycentia. Midi encoded by Ryuuen-sama! >.< If you want to take it, take it from him, not me, or else he'll use his bracelets to implode your head. >.< I'm serious about that one..^.^; Special thanks to Nuriko-sama for letting me borrow eh...his dress. ^.^;;; Actually thanks to minna, especially Suzaku-sama!!! *huggles Suzaku* Eh-heh-heh...^.^;; Characters and series from Fushigi Yuugi, Pretty Sailor Soldier Sailor Moon, Gargoyles, & Buffy the Vampire Slayer are registered by their rightful owner-people, and have been used without permission, solely for fan purposes. Eh-heh..really! ^_^ *hides behind Suzaku-sama* Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi, TOEI Animation, Kodansha Comics, Mixx Zine, & DiC Entertainment. Fushigi Yuugi © Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, Viz, Pierrot Studios, Pioneer Animation. Buffy © WB Network. Gargoyles © Buena Vista Television.

Fushigi Yuugi OP Piano
Encoded by Ryuuen no Miko. ^_^

My Chocobo Ten. Kawaiine! ^_^
Get your own here.