Welcome to the Moonlit Tour

Just a little background information before we start...
The following pages are a summary of the 1997 haunting season of Igor's Fright Shack. The storyline of the Moonlit Tour follows that of last years actual event. This event struck terror in the heart of Ralph, Pennsylvania, attracting more than 750 visitors. The total money taken in was a whopping $800. Most of this money was donated to the Fayette County Association for the Blind, the other covered expenses of the haunted house. No profits were received from Igor's Fright Shack. All of the work done to complete the haunted house was from various kids throughout the neighborhood no older than 16 years of age.

Now.... click here to begin...

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Content copyright © Michael Moore, 1996, 1997, 1998
in association with Igor's Fright Shack
All rights reserved

No Duplication or Modification of any kind