Links to other Astrology Websites
- Yahoo!'s Yastrologer, daily horoscope
- Virtual Rochester's Daily Horoscope
- Dell Daily Horoscope
- Easyscopes, lots of links about astrology
- Today's Stars, great daily horoscope
- Psychic Advice Line Daily Horoscopes
- Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecast, daily horoscope and other information
- Used Karma, daily horoscope
- Horoscopes, short daily horoscope
- Matrix Space Interactive, daily horoscope based on your birthdate
- Astro-advice, offers daily horoscope where YOU choose the day; you need to register for this page but it's FREE
- Homepagers' Horoscopes, daily and weekly horoscopes
- Aspen Astrologer, weekly horoscope
- Real Astrology, weekly horoscope
- Horoscopes from the Heavens, very well-done monthly horoscope
- Astrology Now, monthly horoscope
- Astro-Web, monthly horoscope
- Beatrice's Web Guide - Horoscopes
- Yahoo!'s Humoristic Horoscope Links
Other Subjects
- Facade, tarot, yi-king, runes and more!
- Astro-chat, chat and more, all about astrology!
- Matrix Space Interactive, tarot, runes, i-ching, etc. Very interesting!
- Celebrity Astro Search, here you can search the birthdate of stars either by name or by date
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