A Word on Astrology

An ancient legend tells of a man who went to a wise mystic to ask for the key to power and occult secrets.
He was taken to the edge of a clear lake, and told to kneel down.
Then the wise one disappeared, and the man was left alone, staring down at his own reflected image in the water.

"In 1953, Dr. Frank A. Brown, Jr. of Northwestern University, made a startling discovery while he was experimenting with some oysters. Science has always assumed that oysters open and close with the cycles of the tides of their birthplace. But when Dr. Brown's oysters were taken from the waters of Long Island Sound and placed in a tank of water in his Evanston, Illinois laboratory, a strange pattern emerged. Their new home was kept at an even temperature, and the room was illuminated with a steady, dim light. For two weeks, the displaced oysters opened and closed their shells with the same rhythm as the tides of Long Island Sound - one thousand miles away. Then they suddenly snapped shut, and remained that way for several hours. Just as Dr. Brown and his reseach team were about to consider the case of the homesick oysters closed, an odd thing happened. The shells opened wide once again. Exactly four hours after the high tide at Long Island Sound - at the precise moment when there would have been a high tide at Evanston, Illinois, if it were on the sea coast - a new cycle began. They were adapting their rhythm to the new geographical latitude and longitude. By what force? By the moon, of course. Dr. Brown had to conclude that the oysters' energy cycles are ruled by the mysterious lunar signal that controls the tides.

"Human energy and emotional cycles are governed by the same kind of planetary forces, in a much more complicated network of magnetic impulses from all the planets. Science recognizes the moon's power to move great bodies of water. Since man himself consists of seventy percent of water, why should he be immune to such forceful planetary pulls? The tremendous effects of magnetic gravity on orbiting astronauts as they get closer to the planets is well known. What about the proven correlation between lunar motion and women's cycles, including childbirth - and he repeated testimony of doctors and nurses in the wards of mental hospitals, who are only too familiar with the influence of the moon changes on their patients? Did you ever talk to a policeman who had to work a rough beat on the night of the full moon? Try to find a farmer who will sink a fence rail, slaughter a pig or plant crops without astrological advice from his trusted Farmer's Almanac.

"[...] Of all the heavenly bodies, the Moon's power is more visible and dramatic, simply because it's the closest body to the earth. But the Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto exercise their influences just as surely, even though from further away."

You are endless galaxies - and you have seen but one star.

"Always remember that astrology is not fatalistic. The stars incline, they do not compel. Most of us are carried along in blind obedience to the influence of the planets and our electromagnetic birth patterns, as to our environment, our heredity and the wills of those stronger than us. We show no perception, therefore no resistance ; and our horoscopes fit us like a fingerprint. We're moved like pawns on a chess board in the game of life, even while some of us scoff at or ignore the very powers which are moving us. But anyone can rise above the afflictions of his nativity. By using free will, anyone can dominate his moods, change his character, control his environment and the attitudes of those close to him. When we do this, we become movers in the chess game, instead of the pawns. [...] There's enough magnetic power in you to make you immune to the strongest planetary pulls, now or in the future. What a pity to submit so easily and let your potential remain unrealized. Whenhate and fear are both conquered, the will is then free and capable of immense power. This is the message of your own nativity, hidden in the silent stars. Listen to it."
- Linda Goodman

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