Sonny Louie
5047 Pritchard East
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24060-0023
Senior Standing, 1997-present
90 credit hours of completed coursework
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA
High School Diploma, 1994-1997
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Alexandria, VA
Private First Class, Virginia Army National Guard, 1998-present
Company C, 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry
29th Infantry Division (light)
Substitute Teacher, Fairfax County Public Schools, 1998-present
Summer Intern, Julien J. Studley, Inc., Virginia Office – summer 1998
Internet and telephone-based research for commercial real estate firm
Compiled first comprehensive list of private firms performing diabetes research - for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Computer Technology Assistant, Fairfax County Public Schools – Summer school computer science program at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology - summer 1996 and 1997
Developing lesson plans, assignments, and course materials
Individual tutoring and assistance in programming languages Pascal, C, C++, and JAVA
Grading tests and assignments, administering lessons, and taking attendance
Soccer Referee, Fairfax Police Youth Club, Washington Area Girls Soccer League, and National Capital Soccer League, certified 1989-1993
Awards, Athletics, and Activities:
Soldier Leader of the Cycle, Company C, 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, June-August 1999
Recipient of the Alice Estes Martin Scholarship for Academic Achievement and Commitment to High School Physics Teaching, 1998-99 School Year
Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Competition, 1997
Volunteer, tutor at the School for Contemporary Education, 1996-1997
Volunteer, Fairfax City Regional Library, 1989-1995
Co-Captain, Varsity Football Team, 1996
Varsity Letter for Football (1995-1996), Track & Field (1994-1995), and Academics (1994-1996)
1st Place in Virginia Math League Contest State Championship, 1991-1992

has generously provided this
space for me to express myself.