I now have so many friends, I need a whole page for them.
Okay, so I don't really have that many friends. But back in college, I had a scanner and everyone used to ask me to scan in pictures for them. For a time, it was a bit of a pain, but years later, I found all of these old and somewhat embarrassing pictures on my hard drive that I can now post on the internet. Cool, huh? Anyway, I was looking on my hard drive the other day, and I found a bunch that I'll probably get in trouble for sharing....but I'm gonna do it anyway...hehe.
The first few are of my ex-roommate, Norm Dabney. Whatever Norm says, these pictures are exactly what you think they are.

This second one is my friend Jeff Robidoux, before his hairline started receding. For a driver's license picture, it's not half bad.

And I feel really bad about posting this one, but how can I not? This is my best bud Craig and his girlfriend Laura. I know Craig's never coming to this page, so he won't find out. But don't tell him about either or else I'll get in trouble.
Okay, maybe I don't have so many friends. I apologize in advance to anyone I might have left out. These are people who I know have web pages. If you have web page and would like to have your name placed on this site, please talk to me the next time you see me or e-mail me.
My brother, Lenny Louie, has his own page:

My baby sister, Jane Louie, who is also with me at Tech, has a little page HERE, but she doesn't update much.
And here is my Dad's Page
In the summer of 1997, I worked on a Thinkquest project with my buds, Dan Daly and BenCh en. They're a bunch of scrubs, so try to visit them so they get some hits.
Here are some of my friends I went to high school with. Except for Drew, they don't really update their pages much any more:
Arun Batra
Drew Berkheimer
Jinsoo Conley

has generously provided this
space for me to express myself.