I'd like to welcome you to the most recent section of my home page. Ever since I began this web page, I've wanted to display my creative talents, and that is why I've now created a fictional character named Sonny Louie. Sonny is a tragic character who does his best to help his fellow man. Yet, in the end, Sonny always seems to accomplish nothing. His dreams are crushed and his life continues on with each day being filled, not with happiness, but with suck (I assure you that suck is indeed a noun). Some of you might have already realized that this fictional character just so happens to have the same name as yours truly, and have deduced that this Sonny Louie is in fact NOT a fictional character. You're probably thinking that "The Adventures of Sonny" has nothing to do with fiction; that "The Adventures of Sonny" is a sham; that I have no creative talent at all and have decided to keep an accurate historic account of my idiot twin brother and am trying to pass it off as literature. This, I assure you, is not the case.

For whatever reason, you are now here at the gateway between the real world of Sonny Louie and the fictional world of fictional Sonny Louie. If you choose to continue through this gateway, I thank you for indulging me, but I also recommend that you get yourself a box of tissues because this is indeed a sad, sad tale.

Chapter 1 - In the beginning...

Chapter 2 - Sonny and Eve

Chapter 3 - The Fall of Sonny

Chapter 4 - Cain and Sonny

Chapter 5 - The Senior Prom

Chapter 6 - The Flood - Guest written by Jeff Bell

Chapter 7 - Blind Justice

Chapter 8 - The College Years

Chapter 9 - Curious Sonny Discovers the Internet

Chapter 10 - Sonny and the Three Bears

Still to come...
Chapter 11...an end to Sonny's loneliness?

Come back soon. Fictional Sonny will have more adventures in the near future. This temporary lull is only due to the fact that real world Sonny is having too much fun to spend time on this page. If you are curious about what real world Sonny is doing, please e-mail him.

has generously provided this
space for me to express myself.