Gateway to Exarius

Welcome! You have
stumbled, either by accident or design, near the Gateway to
a planet of a long-lost and nameless culture, the gate-keeper of which is one who goes by the unlikely name of Christopher Krisocki. He is a great admirer of the British television series Doctor Who. Some of his other interests may be found here. A page of DVD reviews will eventually be found here. So sit back and relax while I keep the primitives away, and, as always, thanks for visiting!
Please bear with me as certain pages herein are under construction.
Please send all love, hate or indifferance mail

1997 - 2000 Christopher Krisocki
created January 15, 1997
Last modified November 12, 2000
There were about 5,000 accesses to this page between March 1, 1997 and when GeoCities removed the counter.

This Doctor Who Time
site is owned by Christopher Krisocki.
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Special thanks to George Downes, William Thompson, Steve Hill,
Richard Molesworth
and Michael Diaz.
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