What Is Filk

Why Are We Awake at this Hour?

What is filk? (Sherman's explanation)

Filk is music that is related to speculative fiction, written by SF readers and fans, enjoyed by them, and so forth. Many wags have asserted that "filk is what filkers do," but far be it from me to be so cryptic. It includes lyrics written to other music, original music written for published works (such as Rudyard Kipling), and entirely original work.

Other definitions and explanations

  • Tom Smith's
  • Nick Smith's (hey, why are Smiths doing all this definition work around here?)
  • Dandelion Conspiracy -- do you like the background to this page?
  • Why are we awake at this hour?

    Late-night filk sessions have become traditional in many SF conventions, maybe because filkers love doing everything in the world and can only fit singing in during the wee hours after the Masquerade, or maybe filk sessions are late at night because we're less likely to notice how many of us are singing in the filkish key of off.

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    Last updated January 24, 1997

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