STRATEGY! All successful decks have a definite strategy. There are many to follow, but all decks are basically either
SPEED decks or QUALITY decks and either POINT
decks or BATTLE decks.
SPEED DECKS are designed to get your cards in your hand and on the table fast! "The Traveller" as
well as a few "Kivas Fajo"'s and probably a "Betazoid Gift Box" & other such cards.
QUALITY DECKS do not afford space for such cards, but concentrate more on combos & hard hitting. They are
slower, but when the right cards come up, they are more effective.
POINT DECKS devote much of their content to skilled personnel, bonus point cards, colonies etc. Point decks will
only have two or three ships, just to get around. Federation decks are good for these, but they're not much fun.
BATTLE DECKS devote their content to making their opponent SUFFER! They must be Romulan or preferably Klingon, and
devote AT LEAST 10% of the deck to decent ships with good fire power. Personnel are just what is needed to man the ships comfortably, and attempt missions.
The rest is committed to nasty cards to annhilate your opponent.
The worst decks are Quality/Point decks. If your going for points, then you want to get them fast, or you're gonna get killed. The most lethal decks to face
are Speed/Battle. Unfortuneately, they are the hardest to make.
For comparison, MY DECK
is a Quality/ Battle deck.