For all this great info I just hooked you up with all I'm asking for is if you decide to sign up please use my referal number which is: FXT-782 to give me a little credit, cool? thankz fellas, now read on and have a wicked time >:-)
a Chaos! Shrnie exclusive review...

Who do you think whould play a good,
Lady Death? Evil Ernie?
Click here to see what the cast is and make your opinion known.
This Shrine is dedicated to giving you information on Chaos! Comic's greatest creations, namely Evil Ernie and Lady Death, other origins will be added as time passes (hopefully). This page has a few images that I consider to be bad ass or essential in conveying the 'image' and 'style' of Chaos! Comics, the Shrine has a very small image archive ( click here ), for two reasons: 1) because there are other pages out there, like Thrushwood and Joe Duff's pages (check the links) that have every image worth seeing, 2) I don't have enough disk space to have too many images, so get ready fiends to check out the best that Choas! Comics has to offer!
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