my Site Fights SpiritPage! Please review my cool Sitefights memorabilia and vote fo' my site in dpheonix's WEbCircle #1! Thanks! |
Vote Every Day! "The SiteFights" is the spirit of competition converted into a web site review and scoring policy on the Internet. It's all fun and stuff cuz you wanna have da coolest site, like so people will vote for you and you'll move on to the next round. The SF people are cool, and have a chinky site, but we love dem anyway. There are a whole lot of different "teams" that Sitefights competitors can be affiliated with. Da teams support them ...and do other tings that are cool. Read the following very very slowly, taking in every single word..the way it sounds, the feel of it on your subconcious unspoken tongue...gently, slowly, reading, taking it all in..... I am a proud contestant/battlelord of [vote for me] da Sitefights Team/Infantry Regiment known as "Pheonix's Warlords", which I do believe has something to do with the marvel character [vote for me] cause the site has the X-MEN theme playing in the background. Hmm. Anyway. Yeah, well, there are a lot of good sites in there and all, [vote for me] and you can go review 'em all if you want. Don't waste too much time over there though, cause I have a feeling mine will still be looked at as the coolest around. YEAH. So vote for me. [vote for me] Do it!!! I want to make it all the way [vote for me] to the DMAN Dome (like that thing in Mad Max where the guys kill each other). If I do, to say this mysteriously, something really cool will be passed out to all that sponsor and support the Zaryllon Team. WAhahahaha!!~! If you're at all a friend of Bug Daddy Zaryllon, I'm sure you'll vote for me no matter what. I'm sure you will, because you're nice like that. Even if you're real busy doing important shtuff, [vote for me] you'll still vote for me once a day. ONCE A DAY! ONCE A DAY!! If you vote, email me and say so and I'll bestow all kinds of wonderful things upon you for being so nice to me. If you think this page is at all cool and worthy of anything, please VOTE FOR ME EVERY DAY!Thank you!!! Here is a nifty little cheer thing my brother Bilbub made up for this site in the sitefights. I think they give extra points for these things: I want to be like dem! Datz why me an' zaryllon be coolin from da stem! All throughout da country we be hangin on da web! Da WEB! DA WEB! DA WEB be oh so cool! but hey where can you find such wacky funky fun! huh?
DA Z-PAGE! Da Z-PAge!!!
Don't worry. The poor child has just started on a bigger and better A-TD medication. Things will only get better from here. Anyway, ..uh...yeah. More Spirit for the Phoenix Warlords!!!!! lies a vast cavern with a mystical feel And there the stone tablet with dlittle gnome the tablet reads as follows, (a prophetical deal) "DPhoenix Stone" FOR years through tears we been sufferin in loss cuz none of us be hangin wiff da big guys upstairs Our warriors bein conquered by the knights-n-gloss We were sadly losing it, we said "hey, who cares?" BUT SOON we'll have a NEW LEADER, so shiny and bright, da spirit of tomorrow wiff a blazin dopish light Da leader'll be so powahful he'll make it all allright with a scorchin pheonix superpower, he'll guide us through da night THE bird OF ancient power is da pheonix we follow BEING REBORN in an inferno of ressurecting light he leads us into battle, our hands ablaze with fire to conquer all that scorn us with our new compounded might THE PHEONIX's GREAT WARLORDS ARE HERE IN the GLORY OF THEIR FUTURE!! WE WILL FIGHT AND RAGE ON WITH THE FIRE THAT BURNS WITHIN US!! PHEONIX!! WARLORDS!!! GOOOOoooooOOOoooOOO PHEONIX!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank the Dfaeries for being so graciously giving in my guestbook, etc! |