Bionic Arms, Corroding
Militiaristic Medic Garb
"Take it off." "Take it off sir?"
//BUT, there is NO MORE TIME for subtle words of
Aw, hell...why not?
Humpty Dumpty has Hemophilia
Humpty Dumpty is sitting on a wall . Some kids are playing Frisbee and they throw a wild one.
Humpty- Aaaah! Now look what you guys did.! OW! ....I'm a hemophiliac, you know!
Kids- We hate hemophiliacs!
(Santa Flies in)
The Gates of Deformity Shall Open to those who Sing.
Hmm.. And I thought free samples were supposed to be free of charge.
"Wouldn't you know it, just when Blue Devil is over, I start enjoying it."
Santa- Tis the season to love your neighbor, even if he is a Hemophiliac. Hemos are just like us except their genotypes are slightly different. Our genotypes are XHY while his is XhY. This means that he has a problem where he can't stop yolking...
Humpty- Help me!
Santa- Wait your turn, kid!
"I've never seen anything so heroic in my life!"
"Ever walk down forty-second street between eighth and ninth? That's heroic."
"...But these two can freeze a lake or ignite a glacier!" "Hot enough for you?"
"Chill the cockles off a polar bear. Got the duds?"
"Smack that gavel and bring this court into session!"
"Gavel, uh, ...smacked."
"Hi, I'm Bubby. I'm on the
Humpty- Billy, don't die! NOOOOO!
Santa- Ok... This was supposed to be for little Timmy, but here you go. Will it work?
Humpty- Thank Goodness!
Billy- Actually, dog, we're still hemophiliacs. This is only a treatment, not a complete cure. But it will prevent crippling deformities and prolong life expectancy. But you were right about one thing, we'll be "Ok"!
Humpty- Let's play frisbee!
"It's the marines, Girl! We're saved!"
"You're all in great danger. This rogue is unstoppable. He-- There he is! Behind you!"
"Where?!" I don't see a thing! All this haze..."
"I said....
The End
©1997 Zaryllon Productions and DeepDog Comics.