
The Z-Page Link Vault: Place your link here!

Hello....I am da Vaultkeeper. Welcome to my hightechretroized domain of fun and interconnectivity. Heh heh. Da Z-Man put me here to mind da links. Da Links. DA LINKS!!!!! Browse through our Vaulted links that various people have placed here, and do it...B E L O W. Have ...enyoyment. Heee hee, woo he he hee.{gurgle} Heh.

  Anubis 79000
 Deep doG Comics
 Deep doG Comics is a smalltime Comics company ran by an interdimensional doppleganger of Zaryllon Jr.. The website is in the process of being majorly reconstructed, but is quickly on it's way to becoming a great comics site. Eheh.

  Bigdaddy Z-Bob
 Z-Bob's Homepad
 ZARY HAS A FROG. A very happy frog! THis fRog, he has a name, his name is oh so cool. Da frog is BOB, bob-bob-bob-BOB! Yes, the Froggy's name is Z-BOB!

  Fred Musante
 FMusante's Magazine
 A link to my Magazine, which has weblinks for the CyberKids article and to my poems online.

  NAtIonAl Table
  Psycho Friends Network
 A free alternative to those physics avertised on TV.

Your five minute escape to games, sports scores, trivia, news, stock quotes, jokes, tips, cartoons, and much, much more.

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All this stuff © 1996-1997 Zaryllon Productions and Gerbilman/Ludd-Fott Corp.