
HI. Hi. Hi. Hi. I am Adaloomalo Katrossani. I like to speak to myself late at night about ICE. The coldness numbs my text and brings out pictures. Pictures of Cities of the Future, vast beings, and cool, cool water. Let me tell you a story. It is the story of the Nerf Specialized Football that was transformed into a Fish with Wings. The Football was named EZRA. Ezra belonged to a boy named Albert Woolden. Al loved to play catch with EZra, until one dark day, when THINGS CHANGED.

Dark Vehicles with side-mounted automatic weapons appeared on the hill overlooking Al's house. All retrieved his police batton from the secret vault beneath his bed and ran out to challenge the men who stepped from the vehicles, but they froze him in a huge block of ICE and tossed him in the back of their main dark vehicle, piloted by a collossal armourplated iguana-man with a helmet of coloured glass.

Ezra Shivered beneath the other sports equipment in Al's Room. Dark boots thumped across the floors of Al's House. Ezra knew they were looking for him... and fear gripped his quivering green foam heart. Then, an impulse of self-preservation struck through him and he leaped through the open window towards the nearest unguarded vehicle, only to feel the cold metalclad hand crush into his side and pull him down onto the wood floor.
"INterCepted _____________ ! !"

5 Years Later, Ezra was now known far and wide within the ranks of the BlackArmy as the most fearsome warlord of death in all the Five Kingdoms of Iguana-Coolness. "Now look at him!" Al cried, now a slave in the icecutting plant. Ezra had changed, he had changed quite deeply indeed. Broad red steel spikes protruded from his now armour plated back, and a huge gold ring hung from the tip of his battered nose. He was Ez-Lord 55000, and today he was going to meet a person who would change his life completely. Drums and trumpets sounded as the caravan of the steel treaded Black Armoured Cars started up their fiery engines. Ez-Lord sat evilly in his padded carthrone, fully clad in Dark Army Battlegear. As the group of vehicles drove out of the gates of the DarkArmy Military Base, a hiss of golden fire shimmered off one of the nearby mountain ranges. A thin comet streaked down, spattering droplets of a glistening fluid across the fields. Ez-Lord and his minions dropped their weapons and gasped... Something was happening. Something weird. Another of the fateful mile-long meteors was hitting the planet, except this time it was being landed manually, by none other than Z-Man GoldAngel 4. Heh. As he stepped Backlit from the blinding hatchway, Ez-Lord screamed. He was losing power. The Implanted evil gene-thoughts dissolved slowly from his foam bloodstream, dribbling into a steaming pond of weird fluid. Ez-Lord bellowed as the armoured spikes tottered of his moist green back and his armour transmogrifies into cold shapeless steam. A fireball formed around him, as Z-Man raised his golden left arm in godly command. About 10 minutes of nerfish screams, and a new being wiggled forth from the weird wet pool. Ezra was now a football fish with wings. He soared happily into the opening cloudbanks, letting out a giggle of pure green foam ecstacy. Z-Man smiled knowingly, and the hatchway to his ship closed. Somewhere off in the icepicking fields, cold hands reached up and embraced green foam. EZRA was BACK.

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