Hi there! Welcome to my world of funky Zaryllon-style competition!! If your one who takes a whimsy out of cunning-edge contests, then these are the ones to enter!!!!

ZaryContest Headquarters '97!

Hi, I'm Gary Crane!!! I'm well known all over the Eastern Hempisphere of Frog County Indiana for my knack at creating cool contests, all over the web! Z-Man has placed me here at the Contest Page to thrill up a little bit of competitive interactivity amongst his followers, so here goes!

Contest No. 1 {The Longest URL On Earth}

You guessed it! We Z-people been looking for the most super-longest Website url on the planet, and now here's da chance for you to too!! We'll be posting da longest one we know of here..... If you can find one that's longer, we'll put that one up there instead!! Then, if yet another person can come up with an even longer one, that one will go up. ETC, etc, EtC., eTc, ..... Anyway, this contest will end on August 19th, And on that date, the longest url submitter will be rewarded with a cloudhammering shower of coolness and gifts. This prize pack includes a free subscription to BalpheNET interactive as well as lifetime unlimited Cyberpets, The BOB Cd-Rom, And a free 10-fold Zaryweb Gold SiteSuite ($200 value). So fire up those browsers and yahoos and delve deep on your quest for the longest URL on EARTH!!
URL Guidelines:
  • Must be a URL found on Earth's Internet (no, I'm NOT taking any Grenalon stuff, NO GRENALON STUFF)
  • Must actually exist, and must go to an actual site.
  • Cannot be one you made up specially for this contest..oh, wait, no, forget that, that'll be cool.Site server cannot be always down whenever we try to access it, cuz of course then we'd have no means of validating it's existence.
  • Cannot contain obscene or offensive words/pictures somewhere as a directory or filename or //anything\\.
  • Must be really long, really, really long.

The World's Longest URL(so far): http://eeetwc.et.tu-dresden.de:8888/tens/xtajts/dzzxivst/vcjibg/duedxeo/djpncia/jbfrwx/xu.html
YEAH!!! This Winning URL was found out by Jyknatas. Congrazulations Jyknatas!!

Although this contest is officially over, you can still submit URLs, as I'd certainly be interested if someone sends me a real long one, and yes, you'll still recieve prizes.

Contest No. 2 {Outfunk da Z-Page}

Ahhh... yes, here is the challenge of eternity, the ting that not a single Z-pedestrian has ever done..... Make a web page Cooler than this one!!! The contset has existed for eons, it seems, sitting here collecting dust, not a soul daring to brave the waves of the Z-ness and make a coolah site. So here it lies still, courageous onlookers. Are you the one to challenge the destiny of the coolest creature to ever have his name beginnin' with a Z? Can you make a cooler site?
If I get any entries at all for this contest, I will assemble a team of righteously holy web-judges from the farthest corners of the web cooldom. No, Zary will NOT be a judge. So, people, is there one to break the almighty silence and put to rest the age of the GoldAngels? Only you can deliver the answer to this ancient enigma of wackiness!

Oh, I almost forgot! Da Prizes!!! Da "Outfunked" Prize Pack Includes all of the shmack in No. 1, with a 20-fold Zaryweb Platinum SiteSuite ($450 Value), and another super-ultimate thing, of which I will not tell, yet.

Your name:

Your e-mail:

Coolah URL

More Contests to come!! Stay Tuned!

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