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Welcome to Zaryllon Productions' Web Page!


Wo! Zaryllon has teamed up with Foxchange Shareware Productions to bring you his wonderful ideas in the form of MAC Computer Games! YEEaaahh! Visit their new corporately cool site (with my new graphics) and see how much help they need on their games! My first design project is called Station Devastator, and and there now IS some reference to it on in the Previews Section. I made that Site BTW. You can read the Awesome plot and see some ship sketches.

Anyway, hey, how ya doing? Welcome to da Z-PAGE!!! To surf the the edges of this unlimited coolness, click on any of the above buttons either over or below the Weird 3D logo. If you're Confused and want to see where the cool stuff is, Try out our New IntroMap .
Click here for 'Sup.
Check out our new line of Cyberpets!
Join the all-new Zaryllon WebRing!

Have fun and be amused by my effortful drawlings! My coolness is all yours! An' before you go, why not fill out the new Feedback Form?

For more information on The POOLEY or other related projects, contact the Zary William Shallobird Marshgiggle Bradbury Cranberry Par-lotta Ford Foundation by E-mailing


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All this stuff © 1996-1997 Zaryllon Productions and Gerbilman/Ludd-Fott Corp.