This page is FREE.
Nuke Fallout shelter
is alwas open. Once this site becomes fully opperational Ther will be games
infos and Links to cool sites and Other Stuff. Thanks to a great idea by
a person I'm going to add a new part to my page. This new area will be
my Pic. Gallary. If you have any Pic's
of Startrek stuff, Nukes Exploding, Aliens, WWII bomber Nose art, or any
Military Pictuers, send them to
Please include you name and E-mail Address when sending Pics.
Ok, people my pictures are finaly scaned.... so you want to see them.
Here is my student card picture.
I also made a negitive of my picture to see it click on the Thumbnail.
You R visiter #since I updated this page on November 21, 1997.
Questions Comments E-mail Me At:
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(c)1997 Sean "Ace" Young