Hello, and welcome to my homepage. My name is Leganna Ashkevron. I'm from a race of shapeshifters that at one time lived on a planet called Mimic. I can usually be found in several forms, including cat, wolf, dragon, human, and yes, even faery. I also go by the name of Keyanna. This name refers to my FaeKat form, when I take on both my faery form, and my cat form.
However, hard times reined supreme and I was forced to leave after an archenemy of my father Vanyel Ashkevron recked havoc apon my peaceful planet.
My father had left before all of this had come about and when he returned he found a planet in rubble. Needless to say he was devistated by the loss of his family.
But he moved on, meeting and settling down in various places with various people.
After several decades, our paths
cross again. I found him living on the planet Earth. He had lost all hope
in being happy when I dropped on him....literally. After we were reunited, we began
to find more children of Vanyel. Draygus, Ribbon, Marle, Dragonsing, Kasimir,
Kreldon, Zenevieva, Rithnok, Kitsune Sad times were apon us once again
when Vanyel died. We were all taken by surprize by the death.
Happily, we have all moved on to
become the wonderful and diverse family that we are.
For a short time, I was mated to
Lictalon, a gifted and powerful mage. Together, we had three wonderful
children, Rayne, Xavier Crescent, and Silent. However, shortly after the
birth of our children, he disappeared from sight forever.
Later on, I was again mated with
a very special dragon, called Firefang. Together, we had many children.
Darkskies, Nightskies, FiresRogue,
MoonFyre,Theania, Tanthius, Rowenna, Devon, Jareth, Quicksilver, Sunfire,
Silverfire, and Kantrael.
Later on, Firefang and I split up,
having come to an agreement that it was better that we were apart.
For more information on this crazy
family of mine, visit my Aunt Silvermist's
Now, I spend my time between Dragon
Glen Keep, my family's castle, Camelot,
Afd, and Highlands Castle.
Here are a few links to my friends
on the web.
Here is a picture
of my typist.
Check out my typist's
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