The Eiffel Tower: Innocent monument? I think not!

Something must be done before it is too late!

There it stands, in the heart of Alien-controlled "France" a stark monument to the aliens' ability to flaunt their power in our faces, and remain unpunished! What you may ask, do you mean? I thought it was just an ugly iron tower! Take a close look at the photo. Now look even closer. Do you see it now? Do you see it?!? This "tower" is none other than a sinister antenna for communication with the alien home planet! For over one hundred years, the Eiffel tower has served as the communications center for the entire alien invasion force located on planet earth. In their haughty pride, they thought this blatant offense to the people of earth would remain undetected. Well no more!

The creator of the tower, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, was a known alien! Many protested the tower when it was constructed in 1889, but the government of "France" was already being taken over by the alien duplicates (as you know, the population of "France" now consists entirely of aliens) and these duplicates were able to enforce their iron will, and allow the construction of this abomination despite the will of the remaining humans. The tower's public uses include a "weather station", restaurants (I wonder what...or WHO...they serve), and a television broadcast antenna. Ahh! But what are they privately broadcasting, aiming at the stars?!? Send re-enforcements, we must step up the invasion! Something like that no doubt...I'm sure you agree these aliens must be stopped, and quickly.

Will you join our daring commando raid on Paris?

Personnel needed for Strike Force Earthling:

Trained helicopter pilot

Demolitions experts

Martial arts experts

Crack commandos and gun enthusiasts of all sorts

The Plan

In the small hours of the morning, the heroic and manly sound of our Chinook helicopter will pierce the sinister silence of the French a bird of prey, we will swoop down and land next to the giant tower. We will leap dashingly from our steel transport, resplendent in our black grease paint and dangling grenades. Easily overpowering the alien guards with a combination of small arms fire/judo chops, we shall gain control of the tower. Together we will stand, arms upraised, amid our fallen foe, chanting Down with aliens! After we have sufficiently gloated, we shall place dozens of C4 charges at the base of the tower, as well as at other strategic points. Then we shall double time it to our waiting helicopter. As our sleek craft rises, silhouetted against the rising sun, the charges will explode, sending gouts of flame, smoke, and sizzling bits of iron into the sky, completely destroying the tower. We shall give a triumphant cheer, and fly home to bask in the glory of having struck the first blow for the coming freedom of earth...

If you wish to join Strike Force Earthling, please sign up.


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