Credits and Awards

Credit where credit is due...

Gorzo the Mighty, the "Artist's Conception" of the Saucer pilot- Copyright of the Onion, from "Seize Him!". Thanks to the Onion staff for allowing me to use this fine image.

"Men in Black" graphic- from the fine website, "Parascope":

The lovely banner- the creator of Revamps comics, Silas, a link available at the bottom to his great page.

Volcano- I don't remember, but thanks just the same!

The ominous image of an unidentified saucer-shaped craft hovering mysteriously over a wheat field- Photographer X, of course! Haven't you been paying attention?

The Alien Antenna, otherwise known as the Eiffel Tower- from

We would also like to thank Witness R, Dr. Danger, and the Phantom Postman for sharing their stories with us.

We would also like to give credit to the X-Files staff, actors and writers for inspiration, as well as the author "Commander X".

"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets."

General Douglas MacArthur - October 8, 1955


Alien Fiends! Even now, they dare to impersonate the humble moth!

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