Welcome to Gor!
or at least our little part of it...
THE Inteview of the year with Excrement..Ace Reviewer!
Read with baited (fish most likely) breath (WHEW! It was fish!) the words and keen insights that have helped shape Gorean thought and manner for at least 2 issues!
Treemarker and shanti{TM}
- What is Gor? Why do you have this homepage?
- Great! Now /whois Treemarker and /whois shanti{TM}? Why should I care?
- shanti's pregnancy: A series of journal entries detailing my kajira's travails with her IRC pregnancy (not real life!)
- Stories, Both Gorean and Non-Gorean!
Information on Gor
- What are castes? Why are they important?
- Collars: (not colors)
- What is a collar?
- Okay, so nick{XX} wears a collar. What does it mean?
- Tell me about this ceremony?
- Treemarker and shanti's collaring ceremony. Short, simple, but very important to us both.
- Serves:
- Ways of Life on Gor
- Other Gorean sites on the Web!
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