The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.
These "perfect pairs" come from a variety of fictional regimes: television
from the 70's to computer games of the 90's and beyond! Unforgettable
Pairs has now been split into two sections: Television Soulmates
(below) and Film and Beyond .

Maddie Hayes and David Addison
Maddie Hayes and David Addison were one of the great battling non-couples
of the eighties. Their attraction for each other was evident from the first
show in 1985. The couple was at its best when they were trying to ignore
their obvious attraction. The bonking conversation in the car is an all
time classic. Moonlighting

Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway
Finally! Something that TPTB did properly!!! Even
actors leaving the show managed not to ruin this relationship and instead
gave us a year of angst (and Luka).
The doctor and the nurse...a dangerous combination to begin with. They
flirted for years, dated periodically, and no matter what happened,
something always draws them back together. Together, they had beautiful
children (not that we ever saw them) and ER fans everywhere cheered when
Carol finally realised, after a year of loneliness, that "he's my soulmate",
and went to join him again. Our last sight of these memorable characters
was a beautiful kiss of joy.
and Carol ER Basement

Lynda Day and Spike Thomspon
Press Gang
Anyone who ever watched Press Gang had another name for it -
The Lynda-and-Spike show. One of the best examples of UST in any
series I've ever seen, and the greatest thing is, they did end up together!
(As long as you disregard Lynda's 'death' in the final episode...)
The fights for this pair were unforgettable, as were their reunions. Press
Gang displayed the difficulty of young love and how much it takes to
finally say "I love you."
and Spike * The Gaz
* Day
in, Day Out * Press

Harmon Rabb and Sarah MacKenzie
Lt. Commander Harmon Rabb, Jr. USN (Harm) and Major Sarah MacKenzie
USMC (Mac): The JAG lawyers who became partners. They have a deep friendship,
with so much potential for romance. It's just a matter of time...
A wonderful example of their closeness is "Full Engagement", where Harm
ignore's Mac's instructions to leave her behind. Each season Harm
& Mac become closer and closer, breaking off old relationships, and
the people around them can't believe that they've never even kissed.
(Except in alternate situations where "Mac" is not Mac!)
and Mac Shipper Site * Kath
and Kerr's JAG Fanfic Site * JAG

Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas (RIP)
Ally McBeal
I swore I wouldn't put this couple on the page. But then Billy
went and died on us. His last thoughts were of Ally.
And it was just so sad and crumbled the dreams of romantics everywhere.
An odd relationship: Ally and Billy were "meant to be" until he married
someone else. The attraction lingered, but Billy was devoted to his
wife. (Then the writing of the show got quite silly as it was realised
that the happy couple was almost the most boring - so break them up!
And kill them! Ratings, here we come!)
Okay, so I'm slightly bitter. Put Ally and Billy in a "real"
situation and they would have eventually returned to each other.
It's so sad.

Remington Steele and Laura Holt
Remington Steele
Laura Holt was obviously attracted to "Remington Steele" from the moment
he appeared and vise versa. But through most of the three year run, Laura
fought to keep that attraction from engulfing her. Steele was too mysterious
and unpredictable to be a safe bet and Laura tended to run toward the easy,
safe route in her personal life. However, Steele hung in there, was patient
and proved himself time and again. In the last few shows the two finally
married and in the final scene of the series, the relationship is at long
last consummated.
As one fan says, "Laura, how could you have waited so long? The man
is one of the great hunks of all time."
Remington Steele

Sgt. Chris Lorenzo and Sgt. Rita Lee Lance
Silk Stalkings
Two homicide cops that were the best of friends turned best of lovers.
For four and a half years they denied their true feelings until one day
finally admitting them.
Silk Stalkings Page

Jagger Cates and Karen Wexler
General Hospital
Jagger Cates was the brooding rebel of the town, who never reached
out or opened up to anyone. Karen Wexler, on the other hand, was the demure,
sweet girl in the upstate NY town of Port Charles, who went out of her
way to befriend everyone. She met Jagger when he was hospitalized with
a gun-shot wound, and she was his candystriper.
Over time, solid friendship blossomed into a love that is rare and
precious in the modern soap opera genre, as well as in society today--true,
eternal love--which endured even through the darkest of times which included
Jagger's traumatic childhood and tragic secrets from Karen's past.
Eventually, they were married and left to begin a new life together, forever.
The J+K
Archives Dawn's

Byron Sully and Michaela Quinn
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
The development of their relationship has been wonderful to watch.
From strangers, to friends, through courtship, marriage and parenthood,
through triumph and tragedy, all has affirmed that Byron and Michaela are
meant to be together, forever.
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy
Pride and Prejudice
Elizabeth Bennet is the second eldest of a family that includes five sisters. She is determined to marry only for the deepest of
loves. When first encountering her soulmate, Mr. Darcy, her first impression is very negative. She assumes that he is filled with
pride. Over the course of time Mr. Darcy falls in love with her "against his better judgement" and proposes. She refuses his proposal on
account of her prejudices. He demands a reason why she refuses and she repeats rumors that were told to her by other people.
Darcy is flabbergasted and that night explains away those rumors with a letter.
They continue to run into each other quite by accident. Elizabeth warms up to Darcy and eventually falls in love. Darcy reaffirms
his love for her and they finally marry. Theirs was a love that was born from adversity and will last forever.
Pride and
Josh Lyman and Donna Moss
The West Wing
Josh & Donna. He is the boss, she is the assistant. They are friends and have an amazing chemistry together. She is trying to get
him to ask out another woman and he tries to mess up any date she might have.
The attraction between them is growing and it's going to be interesting to see what TPTB do about it.
Joshua Lyman Fiction Archive
* The West Wing Fanfiction Archive
Lee Stetson and Amanda King
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Lee Stetson literally ran into Amanda King at a train station. From
that moment forward, the Virginia housewife found herself embroiled in
Lee's world of spies, lies and secret agents. In four years, fans watched
as Lee and Amanda went from 'uneasy partnership' to friends, and finally,
to romance. Lee and Amanda were married in the fourth season episode 'Do
You Take This Spy?'
The Scarecrow
and Mrs. King Zone!

Alex Cahill and Cordell Walker
Walker Texas Ranger
He's a Texas Ranger and she is the Assistant D.A. There an attraction
between them from the beginning. Although she often doesn't approve of
his sometimes unorthodox methods, they've grown very close. The chemistry
between them is unmistakable.
As years passed by they became best friends and they dated off and
on for about 6 years. He proposed to her so romantically when she
came out of a coma and they were finally married. They have saved
each other more than once - physically, mentally, and through love.
In the series finale, Walker and Alex had a baby girl named Angela Walker,
the beginnings of a beautiful family.
It is said on the show and through the fans that Walker and Alex are
soulmates and forever will be together.

Fran Fine and Maxwell Sheffield
The Nanny
A down to earth girl from Queens and a wealthy British Manhattanite.
Quite the odd couple but it works! And, after five years of
blue collar meets blue blood, and Fran giving Maxwell and his children
a healthy dose of "Queen's logic," she won her way into the heart of prim
and proper Maxwell and he finally made the flashy girl from Flushing his
The Nanny
* Moments

Meg Cummings-Evans and Ben Evans
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach began in January 1997. Ben Evans is emailing somone
in Kansas who is about to marry a real moron because that was what ever
one in her town expected her to. Wanting more out of life then a
small town life, and seeing her intended making out with her best friend,
Meg took off to Sunset Beach California to look up her internet love SB.
He wanted nothing to do with her, see he was burned by love as his
wife "died" four years before. Meg slowly but surely broke down all his
walls, the whole town belived Ben had murdered his wife, and Ben blamed
himself for not being able to save her in a boating accident, but Meg always
believed in him and because of her, he began to believe in himself.
They got engaged but before they eloped to Venice, Ben's evil twin brother
Derek showed up and caused all kinds of trouble.
Unfortunately the show changed its writing team and the whole
backstory of Maria, Ben's dead wife was thrown out, and she was revealed
as a saint. Maria came back to town during Ben and Meg's 2nd try at a wedding,
and tried to get her husband back, making Meg go through hell. But
in the end Ben choose Meg, wedding number 3 was being planned but Maria's
'son' and his nanny intervened. Ben and Meg married for real in wedding
number 4 on December 31 1999 - New Year's Eve - and lived happily ever
after. (The show was cancelled! But even that didn't diminish the
magic of Ben and Meg thanks to the actors playing the parts.)
Sunset Beach Ben and
Meg Video Library * Ben&Meg
- the Legend of Sunset Beach * Mary
Ann's Salute to Ben and Meg

Dr. Mark Greene and Dr. Susan Lewis
Best friends, whose relationship lasted through the trial of Mark's
marriage break-up, Susan's troubled love-life, and the tensions of working
together in a dramatic environment. Just as Mark realised he loved Susan,
she walked away and (sniff) out of his life forever. They promised to remain ER fans can put their hope in this and remember the good times.

Bobby Donnell and Lindsay Dole
The Practice
They were engaged, but AFAIK the wedding never happened.... Although did she have a baby? Someone said it was beautiful.
Got any more information? Send it to me:

Sharpe and Teresa
Sharpe, the common soldier part of the Napoleonic wars in the Iberian
Peninsular never expected to find love with the leader of the Spanish Guerillas,
Teresa. But he did. They are a tough couple, but their interactions on
screen are very powerful.

Christy Rudd Huddleston and Dr. Neil MacNeil
These two were made and meant for each other. She believes in
him and encourages him to be the best he can be. He gets her to look
inside herself and see what it is she really wants. They are the
perfect pair. They're best friends and confide in each other, they
teach each other and they grow. The love they feel is meant to be.
(Christy turns down proposals from the extremely handsome minister, which
certainly suggests her heart belongs elsewhere.)
Most recent news indicates a new series of movies - will we see them
married? We can only hope. :)
Christy - The Home
Page * Official Site

John Carter and Lucy Knight (RIP)
Lucy and Dr.Carter are perfect for each other. He may be her teacher,
but they are so sweet together. They are already friends and have a lot
in common. And they have kissed....
It is with a profound sense of sadness that I update soulmates, and
must report yet another tragedy. Yes, I'm talking about the D-word,
DEATH, the destroyer of soulmates and an altogether nasty thing in the
world of romance where "happily ever after" is supposed to happen.
But it doesn't. It was tragic, Lucy and John dying together, only
he survived and now she's no more than a memory.
ER Fan Fiction Archive * ER

Matt Shepherd & Margo Vincent
('Soldier of Fortune, Inc.' in the first season and
'Special Ops Force' in the second)
Matt & Margo have some sort of history from before the series (we
just never found out what it was) but the connection between them was always
very clear. In one ep they had to impersonate a married couple -
Margo spent the night sleeping comfortably, while Matt sat up, fully dressed
all night (sort of looked like he was holding his breath!) They kissed
in that
episode - because they were being observed at the time - but Matt would
recall it in considerable detail at a later date, when he thought Margo
was hurt. He would mention the incident another time when they were
being held prisoner with little chance of escape. Then of course,
there was the 'dream sequence' in Deja Vu. The aforementioned really
good stuff was in the first season, but the second season had its moments,

Frank Holloway and Rachel Goldstein
Water Rats
Partners, best-friends and with enough UST to light a whole city, Frank
and Rachel of the Australian show Water Rats, are truely in many
ways soulmates. Time after time they showed how much they cared for each
other, but they weren't too good talking about it.
Alas however, Frank had a midlife crisis, and asked Rachel to sail
away with him, "it would be so good, it'd be fantastic", but she
had a son to think about. So Frank left alone, leaving Rachel crying on
the pier, and a bit later Rachel's life came to a dramatic end. Her last
words "Is that.. Frank?"
Gorgon's Water
Rats page * Jaye's
Rachel and Frank fan fiction * Under
the Bridge Fan Fiction Archive * Rachel
Holloway's Water Rats page

Lt Cmdr Harmon Rabb and Lt (jg) Meg Austin
The had a sparkling relationship that, as some fans believe, Mac has
not succeded in creating after Meg. When they were discussing a case, Harm
and Meg stood so close to eachother that it looked as if they were going
to kiss at any time, and still they never did. It was a constant
undercurrent of tension with some wonderful 'shippy moments.
Semper Meg

Casey McCall and Dana Whitiker
Sports Night
He loved her from afar since they met. To bad he was involved
with Lisa, who prevented anything from every happening between them.
Dana and Casey worked together during his marriage and divorce from the
never seen Lisa. After his divorce she started dating Gordon and
he Sally. They soon broke it off with those partners and had one
hyper- well worth the wait kiss. They should get further. Knowing
these two that will take a while... but the moments (never directly romantic,
often cute, tense and funny from all the UST) between them make the waits
well worth it.
Official Site * Sports
Night *

Natalie and Jeremy
Sports Night
There was always something between Natalie and Jeremy even when there
was not anything between them. They bicker and banter, but now they
are definitely a couple. Could not be any other way. They make
each other happy like no one else, and are "so cute its freakin’ me out."
Official Site * Sports
Night *

Niles Crane and Daphne Moon
The first time that Niles sees Daphne he is smitten. His attraction
to her is probably because she is so different from Maris (his ex-wife).
At the time he was still married, but even now that his divorce is final,
there is always something keeping them apart.
Daphne is still oblivious to the fact that he loves her but hopefully
we will see them together yet.
Frasier *
and Daphne * Daphne
and Niles

Chandler Bing and Monica Geller
Monica and Chandler are more than just lovers-- they're best friends.
They met through Ross when she was still in high school, and have been
neighbors longer than either of them have had their current roommates.
Even from the beginning of the show they have always had a chemistry--
always touching, sitting in the same chair (i.e. the relaxi taxi episode),
leaning against each
other. Their whole relationship has built up to this point.
They were made for each other!
and Monica

Dave Nelson and Lisa Miller
For the entire five years series of Newsradio Dave and Lisa
were an important part. Even when they were broken up you could tell
that they still loved and wanted each other. The entire staff joked
about it all the time. I'd even say that a good 12% of the jokes
on the show were about the couple. Considering Newsradio is
one of the most popular sitcoms of the '90's that is saying a lot.
Though before the show was prematurely and unfairly canceled, Lisa married
another man but we still know she had some feelings for Dave. And
he actually tried to stop her wedding. We'll always have "Led Zeplin
II" where they exaggerate the damage of a fire in order to have an excuse
to make up and make love.
* NewsRadio
Site Listing

Lionel Hardcastle and Jean Pargetter
As Time Goes By
The pairing of Lionel Hardcastle and Jean Pargetter on the British
sitcom "As Time Goes By" is just the epitome of soulmate action!
They met and fell in love in 1958, but were separated by the Korean War.
They meet again 38 years later, when Lionel takes Jean's daughter, Judith,
out on a date. From there, it just blossoms back into a wonderful,
loving relationship! The show has shown 7 full series, and is about
to show the 8th, and Jean and Lionel have gone through everything -- her
meeting his family, them living together, getting married, and dealing
with old age, as only they can do. (Lionel frequently says things
like, "I need to pee," and Jean refers to "backache" quite often.)
They're such a cute couple, nostalgic and sweet, but not "elderly".
It's just a wonderful, endearing relationship -- and they can only be soulmates!
As Time Goes By Website

Sydney Cooke and Francis Gage
Walker Texas Ranger
They have been partners ever since Sydney entered the force, and
began with 9 months of undercover together. They have had a very
close (no yet romantic) relationsip with each other ever since, and after
Walker and Alex' wedding even kissed in Cd's. Of course the kiss was followed
with "Wanna beer?", but it was still a kiss.

Angela Bauer and Tony Mitchelli
Who's the Boss?
All this years, all this teasing until they finally got together and
became uninteresting. But weren't they great?
THE scene:
Angela: "Do you want to feel like a man" Tony: "Yes!"
"Than open the glass." He does and both sigh.
Tony: "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" Angela: "Mhh".

Bo and Hope
Days of our Lives
Bo (Peter Reckell) and Hope ( Kristian Aflfonso), from Days of Our
Lives have true chemistry on screen. It's like they have been
together through everything and they keep coming back to each other no
matter what because their love is so strong. Their love is so strong
that they can sense things about each other, like when one is in danger.
They have the kind of love I dream of. They remind many fans of Rose
and Jack.

Betty Roberts and Scott Sherwood
Remember WENN

They are balances. She's too serious, but he makes her lighten
up. Not to mention that he is very protective of her and he believes
in her. She gives him credit, although he had to work for it.
But when the station is in trouble, she turns to him. There is jsut
something so right about them. Unfortunately the series was cancelled and
we were denied the opportunity to see them together. But the couple
potential is there, hanging in our minds, and our hearts.

Gus Pike and Felicity King
Got any info? Let me know!

Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce & Major Margaret Houlihan
M*A*S*H: excellent writing, acting, and two characters out of many
that stood out for fans: Hawkeye Pierce and "Hotlips" Houlihan. Through
the run of their tour of duty in the M*A*S*H 4077 unit, they frequently
bumped heads, shared emotions, and showed a mutual respect for eachother.
Despite the fact that they never truly "got together" (despite one night),
their chemistry was sizzling, and by the end, they had become soulmates
on a level beyond romance.

Harry T. Stone & Christine Sullivan
Night Court
The zany judge and the equally neurotic defense attorney: a match made
in Judicial Heaven. The attraction was there, frequently admitted, but
never fully 'fleshed' out, as it were. But it was the 'will they or won't
they' quotient that made these two a interesting couple to follow throughout
Court's run.
Court * Night
Court 2
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