The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.
True Soulmates
Over time, this website has almost become a repository for "Any
combination, Any place, Any time". This is at odds with my original
vision of the site, yet as a fan of some non-canon couples myself, it's
something I accept.
However, part of me is still hoping to showcase the "True Soulmates",
and therefore, this page. For a couple to appear on this page the
following conditions must be met: An on-screen declaration that they
are soulmates OR an on-screen declaration that the couple will be together
for eternity. Some cases where re-incarnation is mentioned are also
acceptable. But if they're not "fated to be" then I will not put
them on this page no matter how much 'shippy evidence we have!
It's interesting to note that no couples from "Star Trek" made
it onto this page. And that's my biggest problem with Trek lately.
It doesn't do good romance. Sigh.

John Sheridan and Delenn
Babylon 5
From the very first moment they saw each other, and perhaps even before,
John and Delenn had a connection that was so strong. The smile of
greeting was sweet, and over the next few months and years, they became
closer. Friendship, dating, and then ever so slowly to an embrace
in "Comes the Inquisitor". John declared his love in "Ceremonies
of Dark and Light" and (after an interruption from "That Darn Ivanova!")
they finally kissed several months (episodes) later. The re-appearance
of John's dead wife caused a heart-breaking rift to form between then,
culminating in John's trip to Z'Ha'Dum and his ultimate fate. "If
you go to Z'Ha'Dum, you will die," it was always prophesised, and tragically
As Delenn once said to him, "We are old souls...." Two souls trying
to save a universe on the brink of destruction, who were finally married
and had twenty years together (including the birth of their son) before
death returned for John. Yet their love lasted beyond death, beyond
time, and Delenn 'sees' him every morning at sunrise. They were remembered
throughout the ages.
The John and Delenn Site The
place to find out everything you ever wanted to know about this beautiful

Buffy and Angel
Buffy : The Vampire Slayer
Both misfits in their respective worlds, it seemed inevitable that
they would be drawn together. Buffy, the slayer, the young woman whose
destiny is to protect. And Angel, the only vampire with a soul. Only together
can they find a peace they both so desire - but can it truly be forever?
No, because of a curse on Angel which prevents him from true happiness
and resulted in tragedy.
It seems this relationship was doomed from the start. For how
could a love ever last between them, when Buffy had her entire life before
her yet Angel could not age? We can only hope that after college,
Buffy and Angel will accept that this does not matter, and come together
once and forever.
As Spike said, "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll
be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll
hate each other 'til it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends.
Love isn't brains, children. It's blood. Blood screaming inside you to
work its will."
in Destiny * Twilight
Hush * Angel
& Buffy
And for those with a sense of fun or a need to rant, visit: Riley
and Kate Haters Unite!

Catherine Chandler and Vincent
Beauty and the Beast
Catherine, the city girl who was drawn into the underground world,
found more in Vincent than she ever dreamed possible. This pair are the
epitomy of linked souls - they had a psychic connection that kept them
constantly in touch.
Dodging from comittment for so long, their love was finally realised
and they had a child together. Yet in one of the most tragic events ever,
Catherine died and Vincent was left alone. "Though Lovers be lost, Love
shall not, and Death shall have no dominion". Fan
Fiction Songs
of the Blue Bird.

Xena and Gabrielle
Xena : Warrior Princess
Was there ever a more perfectly matched pair fighting their way through
the turmoiled world of the past? Xena, the warrior fighting for justice
would do anything for Gabrielle, and she likewise. These two share a very
special friendship and love, a bond which no man could ever destroy.
Xena and Gabrielle are destined to travel together, learn together, and
perhaps even die together. Interpretations on their relationship
differ - they could be lovers, or merely best friends, but most obviously,
they are soulmates. The episode "Fallen Angels" several times contains
the declaration, "We're going to be together for eternity". What
more proof do you need than that? :)
UPDATE: Season 6's episode "Return of the Valkyrie" proved the
soulmate concept: Gabrielle could only be awakened by a kiss from
her Soulmate, Xena. ::sigh::
Xena: Warrior
Princess. * Whoosh! *
and Gabrielle Pictures

Connor And Heather MacLeod
Highlander (the film)
Connor MacLeod, an Immortal born in the highlands of Scotland in 1516
and his mortal wife Heather were true soulmates. Even though Connor's
mentor Ramirez warned the Scottish warrior that he should leave Heather,
Connor refused. "What future can you have with a mortal?" asks Ramirez.
"She will die and you won't". But Connor remained with Heather ubntil
her death from old age. Aned even as she lay dying he told her truthfully
that to him his "Bonny Heather" was as beautiful now as the day he first
loved her.
(The film Highlander contains one of the most beautiful yet tragic
love songs ever - "Who wants to live forever" by Queen, the original Soulmates
theme song.)
* Highlander - the official

Dana Scully and Fox Mulder
The X-files
Have we had the on-screen declaration? Not exactly but
it has been suggested and hinted often enough that I place Mulder and Scully
on this page. They may not be romantic soulmates but after seven
years together, Scully knew that she was exactly where she was supposed
to be. In a much earlier episode, Mulder learnt of a past life where
Scully was there. And then there's the behaviour between the two
of them: as far as we know, they are each other's entire world.
X-files Institution
for Relationshippers Includes a guide to the latest romantic moments
between everyone's favorite agents!
Shipper's Ahoy!
is another great site with detailed episode guides - for the romance, that

Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway
Finally! Something that TPTB did properly!!! Even
actors leaving the show managed not to ruin this relationship and instead
gave us a year of angst (and Luka).
The doctor and the nurse...a dangerous combination to begin with. They
flirted for years, dated periodically, and no matter what happened,
something always draws them back together. Together, they had beautiful
children (not that we ever saw them) and ER fans everywhere cheered when
Carol finally realised, after a year of loneliness, that "He's my soulmate",
and went to join him again. Our last sight of these memorable characters
was a beautiful kiss of joy.
and Carol ER Basement

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
I admit it wasn't an on-screen declaration but it occurred in the books
which are canon for this couple who were mind-linked. Sounds pretty
convincing to me.
Club Jade

Jack Dawson and Rose De Witt Bukater
Everyone knows the story of Titanic, and now the tale of the
tragic soulmates is one that will also be long remembered. Rose, the wealthy
yet unhappy young lady met poor Jack, someone who would change her life
forever. He inspired her dreams, she ignited his spirit, and together,
they could achieve anything.
Until that fateful night; and the end of Jack's life as he simply slipped
away. Rose carried him in her heart...forever. So what makes them
classified as soulmates? Quite simply, that final scene in
the film where they can be together for all time.
Titanic * Sarah'
s Titanic page

Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas
Ally McBeal
I swore I wouldn't put this couple on the page. But then Billy
went and died on us. His last thoughts were of Ally.
And it was just so sad and crumbled the dreams of romantics everywhere.
"He was my soulmate...."
An odd relationship: Ally and Billy were "meant to be" until he married
someone else. The attraction lingered, but Billy was devoted to his
wife. (Then the writing of the show got quite silly as it was realised
that the happy couple was almost the most boring - so break them up!
And kill them! Ratings, here we come!)
Okay, so I'm slightly bitter. Put Ally and Billy in a "real"
situation and they would have eventually returned to each other.
It's so sad.

Danielle and Prince Henry
Ever After
The Cinderella story is timeless, beautiful, and evocative of true
soulmates. This is played out to perfection in Ever After
- the poor servant girl who meets the priince and sparks fly! Agonising
discussions over the person you're supposed to be with, and what if your
soulmate is struck by lightening? firmly cements their destiny. What
makes this romance even more endearing is they took the time to get to
know one another, all the while Danielle believing it could never be.
After many (outrageous) trials involving capture by gypsies, a misfortune-filled
ball and the evils of the stepmother, love conquered all and the pair were
married. Truly, they lived happily Ever After.
Ever After

Lois Lane and Clark Kent
Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman
There are a multitude of sites devoted to this pair - in fact, the
whole television series was focussed on their relationship! Needless to
say, there could never be anyone for Clark Kent but Lois Lane, and vice
versa. From their first beginnings at The Daily Planet to their
second (and real!) wedding, this is one relationship where fans were not
There was an entire episode entitled "Soulmates", where Lois and
Clark realised that they were meant to be together no matter what
happened. It was a beautiful thing to watch.
and Clark

Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala
This is another contentious couple - merely because we have not yet
had the on-screen declaration but we know their future. We know they
will marry. We know that it will end in tragedy.
I can't wait.
Star Wars

Kirk and Spock
Star Trek
Should they be in this category? "I have been...and always will
be your friend." Yet Kirk died alone in Generations and they
were separated until William Shatner brought Kirk back in a wonderful series
of books.

The "Ended Up Together" Category
No declarations for these couples, but they did end up together
in a (presumably) happily ever after! Not all of the following are
romantically involved, either (Luke and Leia being the best example here!)

Susan Ivanova's Clone and Resurrected Marcus Cole
Babylon 5
Thank you, jms! In a sense, Susan and Marcus did get their "happily
ever after" as outlined in the story "Space, Time and the Incurable Romantic".
:) Read my review.

Princess Leia and Han Solo
The princess and the pirate. Was there ever are more romantic, perfect
match? In a galaxy at war, two heroes from vastly different worlds finally
found each other. Through the trials of darkness and the initial 'triangle'
of friends, Han and Leia proved that true love would win through. And this
is one couple that have (mostly) had their "happily ever after". Three
children, wonderful friends, and a galaxy they saved.
Han and Leia * Leia
& Han

Bess Martin and Morgan Martin
Earth 2
In the cynical universe of the twenty-second century, Bess and Morgan
managed to find each other and true love. They perfectly exemplify the
trials of marriage, and how anything can be overcome together.
Who could ever forget the wedding during "Church of Morgan"? Or the
devotion Morgan showed to Bess during "Flower Child"? The scene of
Bess and Morgan plunging into the Pit of Spring together is an unforgettable
Bess and Morgan

Benton Fraser and Stanley Raymond Kowalski (Ray)
due South
Happily ever after, anyone? *g* Not to mention quasi-support
from an actor in the form of innuendo, and all the wonderful slashy dialogue
you would ever need. Fraser asking Ray out. Ray asking Fraser
if he found him attractive. Fraser instantly responding that he loved
Ray, "And I you". Mouth-to-mouth. Punches and angst and then
smiles, just like a real relationship. ("They're so married!" one
person said.) And of course, the perfect ending and even more slashy
dialogue: "If you'll have me", before travelling off together on
an "adventure" together, chasing the sunrise.
and Elyse's due South Page | Serge
| due Slash

Michael Garibaldi and Lise Hampton
Babylon 5
This beautiful relationship is often overlooked by Babylon 5
fans. Perhaps it is because Lise was not a "main" character, but
she was there from the start for Michael, and kept coming back into his
life. Through her marriages and his addiction to alcohol, the universe
kept bringing them together. (Garibaldi never had anyone else
his entire time on Babylon 5!)
To the delight of everyone, Michael and Lise finally married, shared
ownership of Mars's most successful corporation, and had a beautiful daughter.
Now that's romance of a lifelong kind.
The Lurker's Guide to
Babylon 5

Guybrush Threepwood and Elaine Marley
Monkey Island
"Monkey Island" is one of those rare, under-appreciated things that
everyone seems to miss. (Okay, so it was a computer game, but still! The
romance! The tragedy! The desperate trials to save the one he loved!)
From their first meeting Guybrush was smitten and Elaine certainly appreciated
his attempts to rescue her. He drove her to frustration but they
were finally reunited (would you hang in a hole for days listening to someone
talk?) when Elaine lost him again. Enter mayhem, cursed engagement
rings and more trials until they were finally married. :) Plunder
: The Deep Darkness. Read all about Guybrush and Elaine when they meet
Mulder and Scully in this fanfic extravaganza!
Brinestoop's Monkey Island

Remington Steele and Laura Holt
Remington Steele
Laura Holt was obviously attracted to "Remington Steele" from the moment
he appeared and vise versa. But through most of the three year run, Laura
fought to keep that attraction from engulfing her. Steele was too mysterious
and unpredictable to be a safe bet and Laura tended to run toward the easy,
safe route in her personal life. However, Steele hung in there, was patient
and proved himself time and again. In the last few shows the two finally
married and in the final scene of the series, the relationship is at long
last consummated.
As one fan says, "Laura, how could you have waited so long? The man
is one of the great hunks of all time."
Remington Steele

Sandy and Danny
Grease will always be remembered for the music, but it is also
an incredibly romantic tale. Not only is there the typical girl-longing-for-boy;
we also hear some very sweet ballads from a lonely Danny. The pair
who spent one magic summer together before enduring hardships (albeit childish)
which threatened their relationship before they were finally reunited.
Flying off into the sunset only heightens the magical quality of this tale
as Sandy and Danny went to their 'happily ever after'.

Harry and Helen Tasker
True Lies
Let's all take a moment here- True Lies managed to portray a
romantic and hot relationship between a husband and a wife! Now that
is something different. Harry and Helen are therefore well deserving
of their place on this page. He was absolutely devestated when he
thought she was cheating on him (and this one scene inspired
my fanfic!), and she loved her husband regardless of the times he
kept letting her down. In the end, they shared all their secretes
and remained happily married.
True Lies:
Photos * True

Luke and Leia Skywalker
I guess it's a twin thing.
Luke was drawn to Leia's holographic image from the start - even then,
he recognised a connection between them. Leia's recognition of Luke
was less auspicious but nonetheless hilarious - "Aren't you a little short
to be a stormtrooper?" What could have been nothing more than a shared
experience soon developed into a deep and warm friendship. Their
hearts were inexplicably linked, and only later did they realise what bound
them: they were brother and sister, twins who'd shared the same womb, torn
apart by war and tragedy only to be reunited as they should be through
incredible twists of fate.
The Skywalkers, the last hope of the Jedi.
They succeeded.
Star Wars

Jeffrey Sinclair and Catherine Sakai
Babylon 5
Another overlooked relationship in the B5-Universe, Jeffrey and Catherine
again prove that everyone has a soulmate, whom they will follow throughout
space and time to be with. Onscreen, their relationship was
never a focus but it was ever-present, with Catherine dropping in to hassle
Jeff every so often. However, a greater destiny awaited Sinclair,
first as leader of the Rangers, and then, to become the fabled Valen of
the Minbari, which required his going back in time 1000 years. Permanantly.
The novel To Dream in the City of Sorrows continues Catherine's
own story, revealing that she attempted to follow Jeff back in time after
she realised where he had gone. It has not been said if she succeeded,
but we know that Valen married (hence Delenn being his descendent) and
from this we can infer that those who have Soulmates may also come from
similar genetic backgrounds.
And those of us who are true romantics believe Catherine found Jeff,
sacrificing her entire life in the 24th century for him.

Londo Mollari and G'Kar
Babylon 5
For years, these two were at each others throats. Hatred sparked
a war and empires fell between them. Yet each also learnt to change
in the face of so much tragedy, it seems that an uneasy alliance was reached.
We know that their fates remained intertwined until the day they died -
with their hands around the other's throat (so no "happily ever after"
for them).
Soulmates they are without doubt, for it is almost impossible to imagine
one without the other to drive him insane. These are two fated to
irritate each other for eternity...for who could ever forget the
time when they were trapped in a lift together? The singing?! And
this comment: "How long do you think they've been married?"
They have a powerful, dynamic relationship that is so often touching
and painful to watch. Their last scene together brought tears to my eyes.
After so many years, they could finally call each other friends and that
was perhaps the most difficult, and most wonderful, thing of all.
Babylon 5

Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg
The Sentinel
The anthropologist (Guide) and the cop (Sentinel). Jim and Blair
are firstly bound together through the Sentinel/Guide relationship, a relationship
which soon trancended into deep friendship and perhaps more. They
share an apartment and the domestic scenes are sooo cute.
Blair sacrifices his reputation and years of work for Jim and that
says so much (would you sacrifice your entire career for one person?
I don't know if I could). So now they continue on as official partners,
You can't go past The
Gallery of Smarm for some wonderful pics.
to The Sentinel fandom * Becky's
The Sentinel Links Page
Fanfic: Guide
Posts (gen) 852 Prospect

Loius and Lestat
The Vampire Chronicles
Ever since Lestat made Louis into what he is, a vampire, an immortal,
they have been inexplicably drawn to each other. No matter what wars rage
between them, what hurts arise, Loius always returns to Lestat. A strange
relationship - they are lovers in a vampiric sense - but more than that,
they are bonded forever.
About This Page: I have not included many couples from soaps/sitcoms
because I don't watch them and therefore can't judge where the couples
would fit. Sorry!
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