of a different kind
Not every
pair of soulmates are involved in a romantic relationship. There are those who
travel together through time, part of an enigmatic bond that can never be
broken. While not necessarily lovers, these soulmates do love each other and the
death of one is almost incomprehensible to the other. They belong together for
all time.
Several of the couples listed on this page have a huge following in slash
fandom. I now present The Slash

James Tiberius Kirk and Spock
Star Trek
It is almost impossible to imagine one of
these men without the other. Spock served under Captain Kirk for many years as
they shared the most incredible adventures. However, the bond between them
became truly apparant during the later years. Spock left his Vulcan training and
returned to his human, emotional friend, a supreme sacrifice for him.
Kirk, also, made huge sacrifices. Devestated by Spock's death (no one will ever
forget the tragic goodbye through the glass in ST II), he potentially ruined his
career by stealing a ship and running halfway across the quadrant for one
person. The 'classic' quote...
The needs of the one...outweigh the needs
of the many...
The great adventures the two then shared - saving the galaxy time after
time, becoming part of the new order which arose - formed galactic history,
eventually passing into legend. And then- Kirk's death. Yet the story did
not end there. William Shatner's brilliant series of novels not only brought
Kirk back from the dead, but re-united him with his friend in a new time. They
declared themselves 'brothers', and knew that time would constantly bring them
It should be noted that Dr Leonard McCoy formed a 'third' member of their
group, a true friend to them both.
NB: Titles (Captain, Ambassador etc) have
been omitted due to the variety of titles associated with each man!

Xena and Gabrielle
Xena : Warrior Princess
Was there ever a more perfectly
matched pair fighting their way through the turmoiled world of the past? Xena,
the warrior fighting for justice would do anything for Gabrielle, and she
likewise. These two share a very special friendship and love, a bond which no
man could ever destroy. Xena and Gabrielle are destined to travel
together, learn together, and perhaps even die together.
Interpretations on their relationship differ - they could be lovers, or merely
best friends, but most obviously, they are soulmates. The episode "Fallen
Angels" several times contains the declaration, "We're going to be together for
eternity". What more proof do you need than that? :)
Xena: Warrior
Princess. * Whoosh! * Xena and Gabrielle

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn
Star Wars
Two Jedi, one team. A partnership of incredible dynamics was displayed
throughout The Phantom Menace - from the initial battles where they
instinctively worked together, through their disagreements, and the final,
heartbreaking battle with the Sith. Obi-Wan's devotion to his master is
obvious in every scene, and likewise, Qui-Gon trusts his Padawan implicitly.
Unfortunately, this is one relationship that has ended in tragedy.
Fans everywhere are praying for the appearance of Qui-Gon-the-blue-ghost in
Episode II!
At the time of writing, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are one of the Net's
favourite couples. Their relationship has been interpreted in two ways
: (a) Father and son, or (b) Lovers. The former is approved by GL, the
latter is the playground for hundreds of fan fiction writers. The Master Apprentice Archive contains a
plethora of wonderful stories of both natures.

Luke and Leia Skywalker
I guess it's a twin thing.
Luke was drawn to Leia's
holographic image from the start - even then, he recognised a connection between
them. Leia's recognition of Luke was less auspicious but nonetheless
hilarious - "Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?" What could
have been nothing more than a shared experience soon developed into a deep and
warm friendship. Their hearts were inexplicably linked, and only later did
they realise what bound them: they were brother and sister, twins who'd shared
the same womb, torn apart by war and tragedy only to be reunited as they should
be through incredible twists of fate.
The Skywalkers, the last hope of the
They succeeded.
Star Wars

Colonel Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson
Their friendship was apparant
from day 1, where Jack took a lost Daniel home with him. Somehow, two very
different men became like best friends, complete with fights and apologies,
grief when one 'died', hugs, and affectionate names (such as "Space
Monkey"). A poignant moment came in "Shades of Grey", where Daniel was led
to believe that their friendship meant nothing. But by the end they were
joking again (and much fanfic does a
much better job of resolving this than the episode did!)
They often have opposing points of view, which only serves to make the
dynamic between them more interesting. Fans are hoping that this intriguing
relationship will continue to be a major factor of what we see onscreen.
Stargate *
Bri's incredible SG1

Benton Fraser and Stanley Raymond Kowalski (Ray)
due South
Fraser and Ray have an adorable relationship and as one person
described it, due South is "cute" in terms of plot, characters, and
relationships. From the moment they met (an auspicious meeting full of
confusion) a friendship was evident, despite Ray's many personal issues and
Fraser's loss of his former friend. Together, they formed a team that
could kick butt. Ray ran to Fraser when he needed help the most, and
Fraser willingly accepted him as a friend. Plus, it ended perfectly with
Ray and Fraser travelling off into the sunrise together. Now what more do
you need than that? :)
Due South Fan Fiction |
William and Elyse's due
South Page

Londo Mollari and G'Kar
Babylon 5
For years, these two were at each others throats. Hatred sparked a war
and empires fell between them. Yet each also learnt to change in the face
of so much tragedy, it seems that an uneasy alliance was reached. And we
know that their fates remained intertwined until the day they died - with their
hands around the other's throat.
Soulmates they are without doubt, for it is almost impossible to imagine one
without the other to drive him insane. These are two fated to irritate
each other for eternity...for who could ever forget the priceless time
when they were trapped in a lift together? The singing?! And this comment:
"How long do you think they've been married?"
They have a powerful, dynamic
relationship that is so often touching and painful to watch. Their last scene
together brought tears to my eyes. After so many years, they could finally
call each other friends and that was perhaps the most difficult, and most
wonderful, thing of all.

Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg
The Sentinel
The anthropologist (Guide) and the cop (Sentinel). Jim and Blair are
firstly bound together through the Sentinel/Guide relationship, a relationship
which soon trancended into deep friendship and perhaps more. They share an
apartment and the domestic scenes are sooo cute, giving more evidence of the
friendship between them. In return for Blair's help with his Sentinel
senses, Jim unwittingly introduces Blair to a new and more exciting world and
both grow from the experience.
Blair sacrifices his reputation and years of
work for Jim and that says so much (would you sacrifice your entire career for
one person? I don't know if I could).
You can't go past The
Gallery of Smarm for some wonderful pics.
Welcome to
The Sentinel fandom * Becky's The Sentinel
Links Page
Fanfic: Guide Posts (gen) 852 Prospect (adult)

Loius and Lestat
The Vampire Chronicles
Ever since Lestat made Louis into
what he is, a vampire, an immortal, they have been inexplicably drawn to each
other. No matter what wars rage between them, what hurts arise, Loius always
returns to Lestat. A strange relationship - they are lovers in a vampiric sense
- but more than that, they are bonded forrever.

Dave Lister and Arnold J. Rimmer
Red Dwarf
Okay, before anyone starts screaming at me
that these two absolutely loathed each other's company, let me point out
some facts!
- After 3 million years, they are the only two 'humans' alive. Now that has
to mean something, doesn't it?
- Lister and Rimmer exhibit all the classic signs of a feuding pair that are
actually attracted to each other. They thrive on the conflict. (A similar
example - Lynda and Spike from
Press Gang .)
- Lister dreamt about kissing Rimmer in one of the most classic RD scenes
ever. Granted, he woke up screaming, but some small part of his subconscious
came up with the image, didn't it?!?
- No matter what Lister does/says, Rimmer constantly comes back to
him for more of the same treatment. One would think he enjoys the torment - or
the company.
- Some of the things Rimmer and Lister insinuate really make you go
Therefore, it can be concluded that Lister and Rimmer
challenge, entertain and keep each other sane in a situation that would drive
almost anyone mad. They certainly seem to be soulmates...in a non-conventional
Lister's Pile O'
Smeg*The Red Dwarf Link Page

Constable Benton Fraser and Detective Ray Vecchio
Due South
Constable Benton
Fraser is a naive, do-gooder Mountie who asked to be transferred to Chicago
after his father was murdered, to investigate the case (it's a long story).
Arriving there with his deaf wolf, Diefenbaker, he meets a police detective, Ray
Vecchio, who was also assigned to the case. Vecchio, being a sarcastic cynic,
clashed against Fraser a few times, but they soon became friends. After several
incidents involving shootings, car chase, and a fire, the case was solved and
Fraser remains in Chicago another long story. The interaction between the two
different personalities is a joy to watch, and you definitely get the vibe that
no atter how much Vecchio may complain about Fraser, he'd walk over hot coals
for the Mountie. And vice versa.
Due South * Due South (2) * Due South (3)

Duncan MacCleod and Methos
Ah, Duncan and Methos!! A
relatioship designed to drive any Highlabnder fan mad! Duncan MacLeod is a 400
year old chivalrously inclined Scot and Methos ... No one is quite sure what
Methos is! Methos, by his own admission, has been many things including Death of
the Four Horsemen of The Apocolypse. Among many other things he is Oldest
Living Immortal. Methos is a lying, manipulative, cunning master of deceipt who
claims not to have felt guilt simce the 11th century! So why dos he care so much
that Duncan MacLeod survive The game? No one knows. Least of all Duncan MacLeod.
And perhaps not even Methos. But care he does. A most unlikely friendship.
They are not necessarily lovers, but have been friends and enemies. They will
always remember the other...even if one must kill the other one day.
The Duncan/Methos
FanFic Archives * The Rysher
Highlander Site

Captain Darien Lambert and Selma
Time Trax
Darien, the law enforcement
officer from the future, was all alone in the twentieth century except for
Selma, his computer. An awkward initial relationship eventually led to true
friendship between the pair, as each realised they would be lost without the
other. It was eventually realised that Selma was made in the image of Darien's
mother, and even as a computer, she admitted that she loved him. Darien, too,
cares for Selma more than anyone else - each are loners of a kind.
Dawn's Trax Page

Weyoun and the Female Shapeshifter
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
It's a rare thing, when the villians of a show can provide us with such a
touching story. Weyoun veiwed the Female Shapeshifter and all of her kind
as Gods. At first, she viewed him as just another Vorta. But by the
end of the series, he had become very special from her. And Weyoun seemed
especially devoted to this God. Who can forget the scenes they shared in
the Finale? Or her agonized statement, "I wish you hadn't done that." when
he was shot down?
Alas, that was Weyoun's last clone, and the Female
Shapeshifter was left all alone in the universe. Again. A tragedy
most people overlook, because they happen to be the villians of the show.

Hercules and Iolaus
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Well, let's face it.
Hercules fell apart when Iolaus was killed by Dahak. I mean he's lost his
little buddy before, but this time he couldn't get him back. Herc began to
question his existence and the good that he was doing. They even brought
back Iolaus from the other dimension but Herc was never the same. They are
just the perfect friends, comrades, and soulmates.

Will Truman and Grace Adler
Will and Grace
He's gay, she's straight, but
they're both unhappily single and best friends. So close she left her
fiancee as he didn't approve. They lived together for the first season and
are now neighbors, but they still are closer to each other than anyone
else. Now that they are dating, let's see how the relationship changes and
Official Site
* Will 'n' Grace * Will and

LaCroix and Nicholas
Forever Night
There is something inherently
sensual about any couple when vampires are involved.
LaCroix and Nicholas
have been described as, "Parent/child, master/slave, protagonist/antagonist,
friendship, adversarial, sensual and/or sexual." Perhaps the most complex
relationship in Forever Night, these two were undeniablly bound to each
The Unnamed

Dan and Casey
Sports Night
Dan and Casey have been best
friends for who knows how long. They have an anniversary together for
cryin’ out loud (Casey forgot it too!). They talk to each other about
things know one else on the planet would understand.
Official Site * Sports
Night * Sports-Night.com

Chris Ramsey and Eve Lambert
Port Charles
As the Jordan Hill song would say, "Every now and then we find a special friend, who never lets us down. Who understands it all, reaches out each time we fall. You're the best friend that I've found..." In the case of Chris and Eve, that saying holds true more often than not. Chris may be viewed as a schemer and a bad guy, but with Eve he had a heart of gold and in being Eve Lambert, well, there is just bound to be adventure and heartbreak crossing her path as Eve seems to find it. However when Eve is at the end of her rope, regardless, there is always Chris. Now some might say that may have to do with his sneaky, slimy manipulative nature, but in the same breath perhaps it has to do with more. Chris and Eve have an unspoken love for one another despite the fact that they have never been more than friends. Love, you say? One might ask as it hardly seems appropriate a word for those two, but if you would take a long hard look and a step back, you'd see two characters
that emerged from the initial canvas and grew over the years with one another. Chris Ramsey, the sneaky, manipulative conman found his match in pal Eve Lambert when he allowed her access to the one place no other woman or person we've yet to see has been, his heart. Time and time again he's pushed his own needs aside in the hopes of making life comfortable for her. He's sacrificed in ways Eve has never imagined, nor in my opinion will she ever truly know about. Chris has loved her for so very long without the unspoken words, but it goes beyond your average run of the mill romantic, passionate, burning, wild, impulsive love. What he has for his best friend runs much deeper and is perhaps more profound. Over the years we viewers have watched as Eve has gone through heartbreak after endless heartbreak only to return to the shoulder she'd cried on in the past. Her heart has been shattered when love evaded her time and time again. This circumstance is no different as she's
faced with the idea of being without the man she loves, the one she believes she was meant to love. However in her darkest hour, there is always hope and this time it comes yet again in the form of Chris Ramsey.
Just friends....that phrase almost seems redundant in this particular case as the writers (the various ones) over the years have built upon the true, real nature between these two people. They have a bond, a connection that both characters are yet to have established with any other character. Yes, Chris may have fallen for Julie, but his heart was always with Eve and while Eve may believe Ian is the great love of her life, I believe that Chris is her soulmate. Maybe not her sexual romantic soulmate, but he has an insight on Eve Lambert that no other has been able to achieve. Yes, Ian may have loved her in a great many lifetimes and perhaps for a great many more, but Chris has understood her and remained loyal to her in this one. He is her true blue friend and would do anything to ensure her happiness. It is his love for Eve that really, truly makes him human and it is her obliviousness to his emotion that makes her clueless to what his heart has been unable to tell her.
Will Eve ever see the truth behind Chris' heart? Unlikely, but at the same time what they do have is something beautiful, special in it's own light and if ever there was something real, it was Chris and Eve.
Irrisistible: Chris and Eve * Chris and Eve Cheerleaders
* PC Opinions
* The Nolan North Homepage
* Martini Night: A Tribute to Chris Ramsey

Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee
Lord of the Rings
Frodo and Sam, literally, go
through hell. Frodo has to destroy the Ring, but Sam...what does Sam have to do?
He has to be with Frodo. Sam is the one person that stands by Frodo, helps
him on, even carries him on his back when Frodo is too weak to walk. The Ring is
destroyed only because of their loyalty. They are perfect soulmates and will
always be, even for those who don't believe they were ever involved in a
romantic sense.

Nathan and Rachel Summers, aka Cable and Phoenix 3
Marvel Comics 'Cable'
While never a romantic couple, the
sibling love that exists between the 'big sister' Rachel, and her 'baby brother'
Nathan has proven to be powerful despite the time, space, dimensions, and death
that separate them. Not to mention the sweet nick-names! To him, she is the
'Bright Lady'. To her, he is the 'Dayspring'. Trust me, it all makes sense once
you learn their somewhat complicated origins!
Themselves the children of the
X-Men's Cyclops and Phoenix, the fiery Rachel and studious Nathan both come from
childhoods. Now reunited (hey, what's a little thing like death to an
immortal Phoenix?) Rachel and Nathan face the menace of
mass-murderer Guant,
who seeks to forcibly separate them. I'd like to see him try!
Favorite Dialogue:
Rachel: "My name is Rachel Summers."
"You...say that as if it should mean something to me."
"Maybe...because it does?"
Risen: The Rachel
Summers Homepage

Sam Beckett and Al Callavicni
Quantum Leap
Got any information? Send it to me: mailto:stardestiny@bigfoot.com?subject=SoulmatesQuantumLeap
Ronit's Quantum Leap

Bobby Donnell and Lindsay Dole
The Practice
They were engaged, but AFAIK the wedding never happened....
Got any more information? Send it to me: mailto:stardestiny@bigfoot.com?subject=SoulmatesQuantumLeap

Chuckie Finster and Tommy Pickles
Ok, they're babies for one thing but they have one of the best
friendships I've ever seen. Chuckie is a real scaredy cat but when he's
with Tommy, he's brave (cautious but brave). And no matter what happens, they
stand by each other and help each other out. Chuckie will put aside his
own fears to save Tommy and Tommy is will stand by him no matter what.

Scooby Doo and Shaggy
Scooby Doo
They are always together and whenever the gang needs ghost bait,
they send them in together. Not to mention, they have the same
appetite. They are just perfect together.

Garfield and Odie
No matter what Garfield might say, he really loves Odie. And if Odie
had a brain, he'd say the same. They might fight like, well, like cats and
dogs (Garfield once literally kicked Odie into next week), but they'd go to the
ends of the Earth for each other. Garfield
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