Welcome to the Soulmates guestbook! Here you can meet other Relationshippers - both contributers to the pages and others who appreciate the true beauty of romance.
Jennifer - 12/27/00 18:44:08
My Email:jenniferd@altavista.net
Where are you from?: connecticut
Your favorite Soulmates: John and Delenn
Why?: I think you explained perfectly already.
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Keith and Allura (Voltron
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Keith and Allura, Janeway and Paris
Just wanted to say that I enjoy your page.

Nic - 12/10/00 12:11:06
Where are you from?: Site owner.
Your favorite Soulmates: As of right now: RayK and Fraser
Why?: They had the most *perfect* ending. :)
Well, I only just got introduced to "Due South" with that lovely, lovely final episode. I can't believe no one ever suggested them for the site! (Plus I'm playing test-the-guestbook again.*

Dazy - 12/03/00 00:06:07
Your favorite Soulmates: Mulder & Scully, Janeway & Chakotay & Harm & Meg
Why?: Cos its dead ovbious that they were ment for one another
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Mulder & Scully
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Samantha Waters and John Grant from Profiler
I really love your site! Almost every couple I love is here! Great job!!! I really wanted for a site like this to exist and thanks to you it does! Keep it up! P.S. why not add some sound files as well?

Mandie Mcgregor - 11/06/00 00:07:02
My Email:pedea_kenobi_o2@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite Soulmates: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan
Why?: I dunno it's kinda cute I guess
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Matt & Tai-(Digimon)
I really like this site. I dunno Y people would flame U there isn't anything wrong with what U R doing. It's just your oppinion. Well I hope U take my suggestion for the soulmates. I have a couple others 2. Hope U update your site soon.

Pipkin - 10/15/00 12:20:22
My Email:pipkin_on_the_down@yahoo.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
Your favorite Soulmates: Nick and Nat (Forever Knight)
Why?: one word....awwwwwww!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Conor and Lindsey (PSI Factor)
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Adam and Adora (He-Man and She-Ra)
Cool site! Great idea.

caryn - 10/13/00 04:22:38
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/caryn260/caryn_fanfiction.htm
My Email:crusher_picard@subspacemail.com
Where are you from?: USA
Your favorite Soulmates: Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher
Why?: completely perfect example of soulmates and lovers
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): JLP and BHC
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: believe in them....there is nothing like falling in love with one's soulmate
Everyone has a soulmate and it is only up to you to find yours. Soulmates are different than lovers. They are your reflection of your true self in another person. Only one a lifetime can you find that one soulmate that will also be our lover. If you a e lucky enough to find that, hold on tight and never let it go. Magic is everywhere ~~ you just have to find it.....

Nic - 10/09/00 12:02:36
Your favorite Soulmates: Xena and Ares, Jack and Daniel
Why?: My interests are always changing. *g*
Just testing because I have a sneaking suspicion that this guestbook has been crashing lately!

Jemma - 08/29/00 18:31:16
My URL:/elli_koo/Etusivu.html
My Email:jemma@earthdome.com
Where are you from?: Helsinki, FIN
Your favorite Soulmates: Ummmhhh... Harm and Mac, Jack and Sam, Lyta and Zack...oh and Frank and Rachel
Why?: Dunno... they just are!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): That would probably be Harm and Mac.
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: How about Robin Hood and Marion (from the NAoRH)?
A really cool site! A long list of soulmates, awesome!

Heike - 08/12/00 14:38:03
My Email:tigergirl@talknet.de
Where are you from?: Germany
Your favorite Soulmates: Kirk/Spock
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Scully/Mulder
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Jack/Daniel
good site, but I missed Jack/Daniel (SG1)!!!

Sailor Shipper - 07/27/00 18:23:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nm/Jewlsong/index.html
My Email:RaiDarkraven@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: A location
Your favorite Soulmates: Un know
Why?: To big a shipper to have one favorite
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Mulder and Scully
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Storm and Wolverin
Love this page, I am a shipper for almost every sci fi show. Its great to go some where were I can get a fix on almost every pair.

Erika - 07/20/00 13:56:15
Where are you from?: ABQ, NM
Your favorite Soulmates: Jarod/Miss Parker, Mulder/Scully, Sam/Jack
Why?: In the case of J/MP, it's the chemistry--fantastic! M/S...They've been Soulmates from day one, Sam/Jack: Such a fun couple to watch!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Hmmm...wold have to be M/S or Picard/Crusher(the latter they never did anything with, unfortunately)
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Not that I haven't already mentioned.
Heya, Nic! Just realized that I haven't signed your GB in a while...hope you are doing well. :)

Katie Sayas - 07/01/00 02:13:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/katiexvi/
My Email:fersayas@adinet.com.uy
Where are you from?: Uruguay
Your favorite Soulmates: John Crichton and Aeryn Sun from "Farscape"
Why?: They are meant to be together. The chemisrty between the actors who play them is amazing and every time they have contact, speak or even breath next to eachother you can see how deeply they care towards eachother, even when they have lots of roblems with admitting it. She left everything for him and stood up for him even when it meant that she might die, and he risked his life endless times to save hers. Not to mention those wonderful kisses on "The Flax" and "A Human Reaction" not to mention his "I'll never leave you" in "Through the looking glass" and that talk from "The Way we weren't" . John and Aeryn have redefined the term of "shipper"and if the writers ever torn them apart I shall start a revolution. I love J/A!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Mulder and Scully, the first time I saw them I was sure it was meant to be, and I waited and waited untill their relationship turned sappy in the last season and they were yelling their unsp ken love to everyone. By mud's sake they didn't even acted like Mulder and Scully. I hate the direction the show has taken, I want it to be like the old days....
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Anything, the site is kewl! Oh wait, you should add more pics! Yea that's right and keep the updates frequent. Besides that it is wonderfulllllllll
I love your site, I am a shipper by heart and I must confess this is my santuary. Keep up the good work!

Covarrubias - 05/28/00 04:58:27
My Email:un_marita_covarrubias@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: US
Your favorite Soulmates: Leo/Piper, Tom/B'Elanna, Harry/B'Elanna, Han/Leia, Mara/Luke, Krycek/Covarrubias, Jarod/Miss Parker, Wesley/Cordelia, Spike/Buffy, Mark/Satori
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Don't remember.....
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Mark Gabriel & Ellen Polaski
Great site! 8) Leo/Piper (Charmed) - I've always loved these two! Dan was a real downer. But Leo's return just WoWeD me! Tom/B'Elanna + Harry/B'Elanna (Voyager) - I can't explain it. My opinion changes from time to time. Tom and B'Elanna have this passionate relationship with a few (many) fights that every relationship needs. And Harry and B'Elanna have a more gentle and su portive relationship. (But I guess the T/B shippers have already won. Just check out the current Voyager episodes.) Han/Leia (Star Wars) - No contest! My absolute fav couple from the original movies. (Although my fav non-existant couple from The Phantom Menace would be Obi-Wan/Amidala.) Mara/Luke (Star Wars universe) - Maybe just cuz I like Mara Jade's character............ Krycek/Covarrubias (X-Files) - You know how stero-typical teen girls supposedly have a lust for guys with a bad-boy complex? Well, these two both have that. Being the "bad guy", I mean. Jarod/Miss Parker (The Pretender) - Whoosh! What a load of history! They were practically married when they were children. Their first kiss... As grown-ups it's like they're divorced. (And then there's the little thing about how they share a brother.....) Wesley/Cordelia (Buffy/Angel) - Just think Wesley looks so cute with Cordy. Spike/Buffy (Buffy) - Two blond hot heads. One's a vampire. One's a vampire slayer. (Or as Buffy puts it, the slayer and the slayee.) What a great combo. Mark/Satori (The Others) - Another pair of blonds. You know how Buffy and Spike go together great physically but not so much mentally? It's like the other way around for these two. (Don't take that the wrong way. They *want* to be with each other but they can't. When they touch, things tend to explode.....)

Marcy - 05/19/00 00:02:46
Where are you from?: Alaska
Your favorite Soulmates: Riddick and Fry from Pitch Black
Why?: Because the two actors had such on screen chemistry. The final scene between these two when they are looking into each others eye's is wonderful. That is until Fry gets dragged off into the "Pitch Black" and killed.
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Vansen and Hawkes from Space Above and Beyond
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Riddick and Fry

MM - 05/08/00 17:21:48
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/jagjewel/index.html
My Email:MM177@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Burbank,Ca.
Your favorite Soulmates: Harm and Mac of Jag
Why?: They are Yummy in and out of the courtroom
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Too many to tell
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: For now,I just want Harm and Mac also Leo and Piper
Giggles and goosebumps just viewing these site. Hope for all shipper fans that we are not alone. Keep up the great work and check out my Catherine bell page too. THanks!

MM - 05/08/00 17:17:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/jagjewel/index.html
My Email:MM177@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Burbank,Ca.
Your favorite Soulmates: Harm and Mac of Jag
Why?: They are YUMMY in and out of the courtroom.
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Too many,like Lois and Clark,Mulder and Scully,Ross and Rachel,Piper and Leo and many more
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: For now,it's all about Mac and Harm
Great site,makes you giggle and goosebumps everywhere. Hope that our TV soulmates will really come true. Thought I am crazy for these stuff,turns out that I am not the only one. Keep up the great work. Visit my page on Catherine Bell.THANKS!

Merlin - 04/27/00 23:23:50
My URL:http://www.merlin-calvin.com
My Email:nomadff7@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: USA
Your favorite Soulmates: Maeve and Sinbad (Adventures of Sinbad) and Cloud and Aeris (Final Fantasy VII)
Why?: they are sooooo perfect for each other!!!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Maeve and Sinbad
I love your page! It is very nice and organized. Keep up the great work!!! :o) ~Merlin

Janey Mac - 04/16/00 19:46:04
My Email:uluru@oceanfree.net
Where are you from?: Dublin, Ireland
Your favorite Soulmates: Mulder & Scully. Or Han and Leia. Or Mulder and Scully. (I'm not sure which.) Oh, could be Sinbad and maeve, but I haven't seen that show in ages. Orr Jarod & Miss parker, but The Pretender isn't shown here any more. :-( < r> Why?: M & S, well, because they soo obviously love eachother, and if they thought about it, they'd both cop on;, and Han and Leia, because they fought so much! Those kind of relationships are the best!
Your first favorite couple (ie who made you a 'Shipper?): Mulder & Scully. I had only started to watch the X Files, and I saw "Anasazi" where she's helping him into bed and it just hit me: They belong together! I'd never even notices Sexual Tension in any TV shows or films before that. Now, I'm a hopeless romantic!
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Nope, you've got it all covered!
I loooove this site! It means i don't have to wade through boring details about such trivialities as the plot in any of these shows & films, but just go straight to the best bits!

Sonja - 04/05/00 13:31:23
My Email:lawrences@techpta.ac.za
Where are you from?: South Africa
Your favorite Soulmates: Beauty and the beast
Why?: Soulamtes that nature gave them
Any suggestions for Soulmates?: Heart and Soul togetherness

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