
The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.

The Soulmates Credo

What, exactly, defines a soulmate? Through months of casual study of various sources and then interpreting them in my own way, I have come up with the following definition, which forms the Soulmates Credo.

 Each person - every being who has ever lived or who ever will live - holds within them an individual, a unique, soul. A few have whole souls, and these are the ones content to be alone throughout their days. Yet there are others, those who are incomplete, those who, in essence, have only half of a soul.

 These beings are no less than whole-souled people. They love, live and dream with equal passion. Yet inside of them is a yearning, a longing, and a feeling of never being quite complete.

They search the universe for their other half. Some may seem to fit, as many souls have similar resonances. However, these half-matches always end in tears, or worse still, a loveless existence.

When two soulmates meet, there is an instant connection. They may not immediately realise that they have met their other half, but the undercurrent will always be there and it can never be escaped. And when the soulmates realise what they are to each other, joy is theirs. The two halves are united as one in a perfect match, both spiritual and physical. There can never be anyone else.

If soulmates become close enough, their minds become linked. They unconsciously echo each others' thoughts, or intuitively know what the other is thinking.

And finally, when one of them dies, one of two things may happen. The essence of the one gone may remain within the one who still lives, and they both know they will be reunited in the future.  On some occasions, the shock of physical loss is too great for the living partner, who will die soonafter.

But when one dies and the full potential of the relationship has not been ever fulfilled, grief will haunt the half-soul for the rest of his or her days. They can never overcome the darkness, not until they have succumbed to darkness themselves.

 Soulmates must seize the chance, for the time of love is often fleeting and the past can never be regained. And that would be the greatest tragedy of all.

Copyright 1998 Nicole Mayer. Used with permission.

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