X-Lander's World of Charmed

Greetings and welcome to my Charmed site!

The three Halliwell sisters were always different, not just from the world around them, but also from each other. Though bound together by blood and destiny, these twentysomething women could not have been more different. Yet, the discovery that the three sisters were powerful good witches, foretold as the Charmed Ones, created a bond that reached far beyond petty sisterly grudges, and they banded together to keep their otherworldly witchcraft a secret and vanquish all comers.

At the end of last season, Phoebe and Piper suffered a devastating demonic attack and lost their oldest sister Prue in the battle. Now, with the addition of a reluctant Paige, the reconstructed trio must attempt to overcome their pain and learn to deal with their new places in the reformulated family.

Newest to the Halliwell fold, Paige was raised by adoptive parents and always felt that there was something different about her. In the search for her birth parents, she learned that she was abandoned at birth at a local church, the result of a clandestine love between Phoebe and Piper's mother and a "whitelighter" guardian angel. This ancestry resulted in her power to move things with her mind as Prue could and the added ability to "orb" in and out between planes. Paige's more experienced sisters help her harness the power in their battle against evil.

The free-spirited and eccentric Phoebe has always enjoyed the privileges that come with being the youngest. Now, she has to relinquish that role to Paige. Having graduated from college last year, she is working on gaining maturity as well as honing her martial arts skills and her ability to levitate. Phoebe's relationship with half-human, half-demon Cole continues to intensify, yet the reality that he is on the run puts their romance and their lives in constant peril.

Former middle child and usually the peacekeeper of the three, Piper is now thrust into the role of oldest sibling. Still juggling their successful nightclub with her recent marriage to the girls' whitelighter, Leo Piper seeks the inner strength to lead and look out for her two sisters. Her power to freeze time has evolved also to the ability to explode an object or demon at will.

Charmed airs Thursday night at 9 PM on the WB and again on the following Tuesday night at 10 PM on TNT.

Created by Constance M. Burge the series is produced by Spelling Television, Inc., a Paramount/Viacom company. Aaron Spelling and E. Duke Vincent serve as executive producers along with Brad Kern.

Upcoming Episode

A Paige from the Past airs Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 9 PM Eastern.

Click below to hear the theme music.

Charmed Theme Music

Some pictures are copyright © 1998-2002 The WB Television Network and are from WB Online. All video captures were made using a Snappy Deluxe 3.

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