Meliphyre's Domain

How I became Meliphyre

Hi everyone brave enough to venture here!! You have entered Meliphyre's Domain. In other words, my domain here in cyberspace. Now who am I you might be asking yourself. Y'see that's the trick. You have to continue into Melphyre's Domain to figure that out! Just to tantilize you a bit, I like Science fiction and Fantasy. My faves are Anne McCaffrey novels, X-Men, Dr Who. I also love cats. I have one Natalie . Click to see a pic of her. So grab a torch and enjoy your stay in Meliphyre's Domain.

Best quote... "Bloody Husbands. Why do they make themselves so important and then go and mess you up? They're so damn good at it. You'd think it was an evolutionary imparitive"
-Bernice Summerfield-Kane Eternity Weeps Could be for any men.. husband or not :)

Creative stuff Stuff I've written
Click here to find out some about me.....
Me and my brother or mother's darling children :)
My Friends!
The day it snowed
Doctor Who
LABB (Loyal Admirers of Brenden Beiser)
Diagnosis Murder

Passage Directory

in other words.. links

Thank you for taking a walk in my mind. Please come back later when facilities are funtioning normally. Feel free to offer any suggestions or comments. Afer all, I do have guest book and e-mail addy :) And don't forget to sign the guest book!!

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