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The Hank Richards Home Page

Featuring links to Anatolian, Assyrian and Babylonian history, mythology and fantasy.

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I set up this page for Hank, to introduce his novel The Sacrifice, Copyright © 1996 by Hank Richards. I personally think it is a great novel. The setting is unusual, about 1750 B.C. in the Middle East. I would describe it as a historical fantasy. It has everything you could ask for in that type of story.

All the above is still true, but Hank's novel has undergone a major status change, publication as a "real" book. The new novel is entitled Lost Children, and includes a revised version of the The Sacrifice as well as two new parts, nearly doubling the total length. In keeping with the fact that Hank is now in it for fun and profit instead of just fun, I'm removing links to The Sacrifice except for part one, Deadly Taboos. The first five chapters in the new book are almost identical, and will here serve as a sample or prologue. Thanks to all those who posted or emailed comments on this work in progress in its previous incarnations. Comments are still welcome, just use the survey form at the bottom of this page. Remember, if you would like a response, include your email address in the comments box. Update 4/11/09. A sequel is now available, The Robber and the Queen. Sequel may not be the best word, since most of the story occurs in the same time frame as Lost Children, but with different main characters. Go to this page for ordering information, a synopsis and preview.

Part one Deadly Taboos (55KB) You may think you've had rough days, but suppose while looking for a lost sheep you saw a forbidden rite, and were condemned to burn for it!

Hank's publisher has provided a web page. Here you can learn more about Hank, Lost Children, obtain ordering information, and read a review that seems almost too good.

Where authors and readers come together!

Here are links to some fine on-line novels and more free novels.

Here are some links to related Ancient Middle Eastern history and mythology.

This one gives much information on the mythology of the Assyrians, Babylonians, and others in that area. There is a brief mention of Hurrian gods, who are so used or abused in the novel. The Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ

Here are more detailed discussions of Hurrian gods, many of whom were adopted or adapted by their neighbors the Hittites. Hittite/Hurrian Mythology REF

Here are items and short discussions relating to various areas and times of ancient Anatolia. Eastern Anatolia is prominent in Hank's novel. Early Anatolia

Hank Richards grew up in Elko, Nevada. He now lives near Iuka, Mississippi, and has worked as a staff psychologist in public facilities for many years. He has written several short stories and scholarly articles in psychology and family relationships. Hank is camera shy, but allowed me to use this picture from much younger days.

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