Talking With Trel'la

You want to talk? That's wonderful, I love to chat! I'm originally from Egypt, where I served the serene Goddess Bastet, first as a temple dance, then as a priestess. Yes, I'm that old! Well, after a few thousand years, I decided to see something of the world (before that, what was there beyond the Nile that was worth seeing?) After long, LONG years of travel, and seeing all sorts of kingdoms and empires come and go, I ended up in Ireland, and lived there for a few centuries, largely in the region called County Mayo. Then I sailed to Jamestown, in Virginia, and lived there for a time before I found myself involved in the Sweet Trade (that's Piracy (Har-har! for those of you who don't know the cant). After a time at that and more wandering around the world, I found Laylaux Town, in a place called Tapestries MUCK. This is a place where we Furries are the dominate order of life. I feel almost like a kitten there at times, and I haven't felt that way for a very long time! I decided to live there, and it is there I have met my True Love and Mate, Faranus. I'd love to tell you just how wonderful he is, but I'm afraid we'd be here a full week if I did!

Far and I now have a lovely, and fast growing, ferrelot, by the name of Ankhet, which means, "Lady of Life" She's been learning to hunt, and lately has moved from fiercely pouncing leaves to jumping mice! We've been taking her out to the Plaza as often as we can, and she's very popular with all the other furs she's met. However, very sadly, my Mate, Faranus, seems to have dropped off the 'net, Dec 17. I mourn his departure, but at least my good friends Timm and Georgie have helped. Thank you, my favorite couple on Tapestries!

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