A Few Words From My Human!

Trel'la's being kind enough to allow me this space to tell you something of myself. While I do not look at all like hir, we share a great deal of personality traits.

I've traveled around a bit...I was born (which goes without saying!) in Charlottesville, Virginia, and lived in a number of places after that, including Germany. My life's ambition is to be able to move back to Virginia, to Williamsburg. I love colonial Virginia, and Colonial Williamsburg has the sort of night-life that I would enjoy!

I work as a librarian at Taylor Memorial Public Library...in fact, my pay has just gone up to $9.40 per hour. But it's only part-time. Oh well, these days, you take what you can get. I live in Akron, OH...I've been in worse places, and this city does have the Inventure Place, a very expensive playground. I also review books for the magazine "Library Journal"-for some reason, they've been sending me lots of Civil War books to go through! I have also given public presentations regarding Piracy, early Colonial Virginia, and one of my favorite subject, 18th century medicine!

In my spare time (Trel'la frowns and asks me, "Spare Time? What is that strange word?), I collect antique medicines and indulge my furry inclinations. I'm beginning to think about coming up with some sort of fursuit, so I can actually appear as Trella sometime...shi won't mind, as long as I behave myself. Of course, this means I'm going to have to learn to sew. I muck around on Tapestries MUCK pretty exclusively-I like a smaller MUCK where you don't feel lost, and besides, Faranus is there!

If you are a Furry in Akron, OH, please write! I'd LOVE to hear from you! I can't believe I'm the ONLY Furry in this city!

I'm also the proud mamma (even if I don't look like it in "Real (urg) Life") of two fuzzy, furry babies (cats, of course), Panda and Avalanche. Panda's a black and white shorthair, and Avalanche is a white long-hair. Panda's a sweet little thing, but Ava's a little bit touchy, and tends to bite noses, as I recently found out. They both love tuna, and Panda's even sample a very small bit of watermelon! Ava's a flat out catnip junkie, going into paroxyms of delight over the weed, while Panda is somewhat more blase about it. Unless it's packed into a little pillow. And now, as of this current revising (4/1/98), Panda's been *outside*! I've had her on harness and leash, and she went out the back door, rolled on the rough concrete steps, and sauntered out along the driveway to the front! Such a *kyoote* kitty!

New news! Since May, I've been taking Tai Chi at the Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium, just down the street from the library. I'm enjoying it immensely, and I'm actually beginning to feel like some sort of martial artist! After four months, my kicks are now nice and high! I've also launched myself into the Wonderful World of Ranma 1/2...as well as other anime titles, and I've found a source for anime character dolls!

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