Dark Dreams |
It was good while it lasted! Dark Dreams has been developing freeware
roleplaying games since 1996 and has come far since then. It is now time to
move along. For the last two years Dark Dreams had the d20 system as a focus for its games. This change is now
becoming more permanent, as Dark Dreams gives its place to Ground Twenty. Visit
/groundtwenty for more details. This site will now serve as a repository for all games Dark Dreams ever released in the Net. As
always, these games are free to download and use. Any feedback should be sent
sidhe@otenet.gr or
groundtwenty@yahoo.com. Enjoy! Transcendence Always the spearhead of Dark Dreams, Transcendence is the dark fantasy game detailing
the final battle between Good and Evil taking place in a medieval setting.
Players assume the role of supernatural minions sent by the forces of light
and darkness in the world of mortals to ensure their victory. Soon the
players will discover that things are not as simple as that... 1st Edition: The 1st Edition of Transcendence was the first game ever developed
by Dark
Dreams. It used a
unique 12-sided dice pool system and had the imaginary (although akin to
medieval Europe) world of Corahen as its setting. It remained largely
incomplete and sadly, I have lost the document so it's not available for
downloading. If anyone has it, please contact me! 2nd Edition: The 2nd Edition abandons Corahen as well as the d12
system, in favor of medieval Europe and the Nova game engine (also developed by Dark Dreams). To use it, you must also have
some core Nova sourcebooks,
including the core rules, magik, tools of the trade and character options. Two sourcebooks were developed for the 2nd
Edition: The hermetic factor and the sidhe factor,
detailing the Order of Hermes and faeries respectively.
Transcendence 2nd Edition
Download the
hermetic factor
Download the sidhe
factor 3rd Edition: The 3rd Edition of Transcendence sees some heavy changes in the
game. It is a d20 system game,
following the latest trade in the roleplaying industry and the concept of the
dream world has been abandoned. Still, it remains the same dark fantasy game.
Transcendence 3rd Edition Nova game engine Another ambitious project of Dark Dreams was the Nova game engine, a universal system
that you could use to play whatever game you wanted. The basic rules were
soon accompanied by a wealth of sourcebooks dealing from magic and psionics
to cybernetics.
Download core rules
Download beyond
flesh sourcebook (cybernetics)
Download brainstorm
sourcebook (psionics)
Download character
options (character traits)
Download magik
sourcebook (magic)
Download tools of
the trade sourcebook (weapons & armor)
Download vehicles
sourcebook CYD20 CYD20 is a generic sourcebook for playing a cyberpunk game
using the d20 system. It
doesn't burden your imagination with any details about the world or setting;
you can use it to play nearly any kind of cyberpunk setting you like, from
Blade Runner to the Neuromancer. Version 1.0 was the first to be released. Version 2.0 contains more classes and better
rules regarding automatic weapons and armor. Version 2.5 is much like Version 2.0, but adds a Vitality/Wound point
system. Newer versions of CYD20 can be found in the Ground Twenty site (
Download Version
Download Version
Download Version
2.5 Erebus Erebus was a short project undertaken after the 2nd
Edition of Transcendence was completed. Although somewhat
rushed, it is still a very interesting and unique game that uses a 2D6 system
of its own, much simpler and faster than Nova. The twilight of mankind has come, caught between two
implacable foes after an apocalyptic war, but perhaps the players, warlocks
imbued with the magic of old, can avert this fate... Hallucinogen A little-known game, Hallucinogen used the Nova game engine before it was actually
released in a stand-alone format. The game is largely incomplete, as it was
abandoned shortly after the release of The Matrix motion picture. The reason will be obvious to you
once you read the first few pages: Matrix and Hallucinogen are very-very much alike, both based on the fact the
humanity is imprisoned in a virtual reality from which it cannot escape.
Apart from that basic similarity, Hallucinogen is not an action-oriented game, nor are the
machines your enemies. It is a game that strives to resemble the best works
of Kafka and Orwell and classic films like 1984,
THX, Alphaville, Brazil and Logan's Run. |
Those searching for a new version of
CYD20, look at my new site
http://www.geocities.com/groundtwenty. You will only find old versions of
CYD20 here. |