Seekers Of Legend

S.O.L. is a newly formed clan on the T4C Calgary Server.
We are a fuedal style group with room for advancement.

The driving goal?

To become Legendary figures in the realm of Althea.

Why T4C Calgary?

  Most of the players here have commented on how lag free this server is compared to other servers they have tried.  Most of the lag that is experienced comes from the players I.S.P.s.

2:Cost:  $10/month or $60/year.  Canadian.  'Nuff said.

3:Staff:  Want to get a hold of the staff and get a reply?  Send an E-mail or catch them online.  They will respond quickly, attempting to answer your questions or concerns and tell you what is being done, if applicable.

4:Room:  No other groups have been formed yet, leaving the realm ripe for the picking.

A friendly place where random or unprovoked P.V.P. is highly discouraged.

For more Information Check out these links:

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Seekers1.gif (41462 bytes)

  For a look at Vircoms' T4C website click here.

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