Welcome to the Poltergeist: The Legacy Kiosk

Your place for understanding Poltergeist: The Legacy on the World Wide Web

pages last updated 4/6/1999

Other Names
General P:TL
Misc Web Stuff

| Email Mary Alice w/comments | Go to My P:TL Page |Go to Seattle Legacy House|



Abelard Derek de Lint’s role in his movie "Stealing Heaven"
AP Alexandra Purvis (or, for many fans, Adrian Paul of "Highlander")
C Clarianna, Preceptrix of the first 100% unofficial P:TL page whose nickname is too darn long to type most of the time and whose page is located at legacyweb.com
Catpaws Common Pseudonym used by Kris in chat rooms
DdL Derek de Lint
Demon Bimbo From part II of the pilot episode - Philip’s former lover Ellen who committed suicide
Derekwenches Those fans for whom Dr. Derek Rayne is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...)
DJT Daniel J. Travanti
HS Helen Shaver
JC One of our favorite P:TL Episode writers James Cappe
JonBob Nick's Father, who used to be Jonathon Boyle, but whose name was changed to "Robert" in the season 3 episode "Father to Son"
KL Kristin Lehman
MA Mary Alice, author of this kiosk and Philip Fan
MC Martin Cummins
Merano Common Pseudonym used by Valery in chat rooms
Newbie A new participant to our little ‘world’
NFH Nymphomaniac from Hell (Karen from the season 2 episode "Black Widow". NNFH is "Nick's Nymphomaniac from Hell" otherwise known as Emily!
Nickchicks Those female fans for whom ex SEAL Nick Boyle is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...)
Nicksters Those male fans for whom ex SEAL Nick Boyle is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...)
PF Patrick Fitzgerald
Philipphans Those fans for whom Father Philip Callaghan is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...)
PhilipsSin Common Pseudonym used by Patti in chat rooms
Precept The head of a Legacy House
Rachelists Those fans for whom skeptical psychiatrist Rachel Corrigan is their favorite character.
RBL Richard B. Lewis
RC Robbi Chong
Sloanerangers Those fans for whom the head of the London House William Sloan is their favorite character.
TPTB The Powers that be - the writers, directors, producers, etc. of the show
TriGals Those fans for whom Derek, Nick, and Philip hold equal standing as their favorite character
Trilogy Trilogy Entertainment Group - The production company that makes P:TL
Virago Common Pseudonym used by Emily in chat rooms

Other Names


#Cyber_legacy_house Chat room for P:TL fans
AOL America On-line
BBS Bulletin Board formerly located at http://bbs2.iguide.com:8086/television/legacy/msg_index.html (OBSOLETE)
BK Season Four episode "Brother's Keeper"
Bones Season One P:TL episode "The Bones of St. Anthony"
BoP Season Four P:TL episode "Bird of Prey
CON Convention
DNGG P:TL episode "Do Not Go Gently"
DF Season 3 P:TL episode "Darkness Falls"
DG P:TL episode "Doppleganger"
F13-8 The movie "Friday the 13th part 8 - Jason Takes Manhatten" in which Martin Cummins had a role
FA Season 3 P:TL episode "Fallen Angel"
FK The syndicated television show "Forever Knight"
FR P:TL episode "Finding Richter"
FtS Season 3 P:TL episode "Father to Son"
GITR P:TL episode "Ghost in the Road"
HHNF Season 3 P:TL episode "Hell Hath No Fury"
HL The syndicated television show "Highlander"
Legacy House Annex A collection of P:TL sounds located at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/7931/
LJs Legacy Journal mailing list - originally intended for Showtime P:TL fans
LoD Season 3 P:TL episode "Light of Day"
LITB P:TL episode "Lives in the Balance"
MITM P:TL episode "Man in the Mist"
NG News Group
P:TL "Poltergeist: the Legacy"
Seattle Legacy House Patti's virtual legacy house located at http://members.aol.com/legacymemb/legacy.htm
SH The 1988 Derek de Lint movie "Stealing Heaven"
SOTF P:TL episode "Sins of the Father"
SOTR Season Four P:TL episode "Song of the Raven"
TDL P:TL episode "The Devil's Lighthouse"
TOL The Showtime SciFi show "The Outer Limits" - also made by Trilogy Entertainment
Traitor P:TL episode "A Traitor Among Us"
TWOP P:TL episode "Town Without Pity"
Vancouver Where location shots for P:TL are filmed.


General P:TL Stuff


"Thank Gott" Favorite expressions of our favorite precept (must be said with a Dutch accent). Also "My Got", "Good Got", etc.
BDCPFWA "Beer Drinking, Chess Playing Fairies with Attitude" - variation on Nick's statement from P:TL episode "Lights Out!"
Derekstacy The state of a DerekWench when the object of her affection says something--ANYthing!--in that dreamy Dutch accent!"
ep episode
FAQ Frequently Asked Question list
"Hi, Martin" Chat room greeting for unrecognized guests (just in case Martin Cummins is lurking...)
kidding An indication that something you just said included a heavy dose of sarcasm. See Nick's use of this in the Pilot.
kilt To be killed OR it is someting that the faires wore while playing bagpipes
Nick Nirvana State of euphoria induced by watching hours of Nick and his megawatt smile
Off To kill someone (or yourself)
Philiphoria Dizziness, loss of speech, and heart palpitations in the presence of a priestly collar. If priest is Irish, fainting may also occur.
Rachelish the tendency not to believe something even though it walks up and smacks you in the face
shredded cassock Article of Philip's clothing sometimes used in place of a trout to slap Philip fans
SPU Common Catholic oath "Saints Preserve Us" (also used by Philip)
Stealth Chat An unscheduled P:TL chat
Theatre Pronounced "Thee-a-tuh" -- that performance medium that keeps Patrick Fitzgerald from P:TL far too often
UST Unresolved Sexual Tension
Yah "yes" said with Martin Cummins’ Canadian accent. Frequently followed by "You Betcha!"


Misc Web Stuff


<eg> Evil Grin
<g> Grin
<vbg> Very Big Grin
<veg> Very Evil Grin
addy address or URL
Beta-reader Someone who reads fanfic before it is posted to a mailing list or is posted on the web.  A beta reader would do some or all of the following tasks:  Spelling and grammar checking, making note of any glaring errors, giving comments and suggestions about the story/character development, pointing out plot holes, and challenging your writing.
BRB Be Right Back
BTW By The Way
CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - condition which affects the ability of some fanfic writers to finish their stories!
CU See you! (as in see you later)
emoticons Those little smiley face things that people use to express themselves ;)
GMTA Great minds think alike
H/C "Hurt/Comfort" fanfic stories
IMHO In my humble (or honest) opinion
IMNSHO In my not-so-humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IRL In real life
ISP Internet Service Provider
Keyboard Faeries Those pesky little supernatural varmints that are responsible for bad typing.
LOL Laughing Out Loud
PWP "Plot? What Plot?" fanfic stories (sometimes also called "Passion Without Purpose" stories)
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROTFLOCAO Rolling on the floor laughing our collective a**es off
RPG Role Playing Game
RTFM Read the f*******g manual
SCOOMN Spitting coffee out of my nose (from laughing so hard)
SDPOoMN Spitting Dr.Pepper out of my nose (from laughing so hard)
trout aquatic creature frequently used for slapping people around in the IRC chat room
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTYL Talk To Ya Later
WB Welcome back
WMNLOL Waking My Neighbors Laughing Out Loud


This website designed by P. Thompson. All content compiled by M.A. Davis. Site designed using Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 and Corel Photo-Paint 6.0. Graphics are the property of P. Thompson and may not be used without express permission. Poltergeist: The LegacyTM is licensed to Trilogy Entertainment Group and MGM/UA Pictures.