Welcome to the Poltergeist: The Legacy Kiosk
Your place for understanding Poltergeist: The Legacy on the World Wide Web
pages last updated 4/6/1999
| Email Mary Alice w/comments | Go to My P:TL Page |Go to Seattle Legacy House|
Abelard | Derek de Lints role in his movie "Stealing Heaven" |
AP | Alexandra Purvis (or, for many fans, Adrian Paul of "Highlander") |
C | Clarianna, Preceptrix of the first 100% unofficial P:TL page whose nickname is too darn long to type most of the time and whose page is located at legacyweb.com |
Catpaws | Common Pseudonym used by Kris in chat rooms |
DdL | Derek de Lint |
Demon Bimbo | From part II of the pilot episode - Philips former lover Ellen who committed suicide |
Derekwenches | Those fans for whom Dr. Derek Rayne is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...) |
DJT | Daniel J. Travanti |
HS | Helen Shaver |
JC | One of our favorite P:TL Episode writers James Cappe |
JonBob | Nick's Father, who used to be Jonathon Boyle, but whose name was changed to "Robert" in the season 3 episode "Father to Son" |
KL | Kristin Lehman |
MA | Mary Alice, author of this kiosk and Philip Fan |
MC | Martin Cummins |
Merano | Common Pseudonym used by Valery in chat rooms |
Newbie | A new participant to our little world |
NFH | Nymphomaniac from Hell (Karen from the season 2 episode "Black Widow". NNFH is "Nick's Nymphomaniac from Hell" otherwise known as Emily! |
Nickchicks | Those female fans for whom ex SEAL Nick Boyle is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...) |
Nicksters | Those male fans for whom ex SEAL Nick Boyle is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...) |
PF | Patrick Fitzgerald |
Philipphans | Those fans for whom Father Philip Callaghan is their favorite character (to the point of obsession...) |
PhilipsSin | Common Pseudonym used by Patti in chat rooms |
Precept | The head of a Legacy House |
Rachelists | Those fans for whom skeptical psychiatrist Rachel Corrigan is their favorite character. |
RBL | Richard B. Lewis |
RC | Robbi Chong |
Sloanerangers | Those fans for whom the head of the London House William Sloan is their favorite character. |
TPTB | The Powers that be - the writers, directors, producers, etc. of the show |
TriGals | Those fans for whom Derek, Nick, and Philip hold equal standing as their favorite character |
Trilogy | Trilogy Entertainment Group - The production company that makes P:TL |
Virago | Common Pseudonym used by Emily in chat rooms |
Other Names
#Cyber_legacy_house | Chat room for P:TL fans |
AOL | America On-line |
BBS | Bulletin Board formerly located at http://bbs2.iguide.com:8086/television/legacy/msg_index.html (OBSOLETE) |
BK | Season Four episode "Brother's Keeper" |
Bones | Season One P:TL episode "The Bones of St. Anthony" |
BoP | Season Four P:TL episode "Bird of Prey |
CON | Convention |
DNGG | P:TL episode "Do Not Go Gently" |
DF | Season 3 P:TL episode "Darkness Falls" |
DG | P:TL episode "Doppleganger" |
F13-8 | The movie "Friday the 13th part 8 - Jason Takes Manhatten" in which Martin Cummins had a role |
FA | Season 3 P:TL episode "Fallen Angel" |
FK | The syndicated television show "Forever Knight" |
FR | P:TL episode "Finding Richter" |
FtS | Season 3 P:TL episode "Father to Son" |
GITR | P:TL episode "Ghost in the Road" |
HHNF | Season 3 P:TL episode "Hell Hath No Fury" |
HL | The syndicated television show "Highlander" |
Legacy House Annex | A collection of P:TL sounds located at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/7931/ |
LJs | Legacy Journal mailing list - originally intended for Showtime P:TL fans |
LoD | Season 3 P:TL episode "Light of Day" |
LITB | P:TL episode "Lives in the Balance" |
MITM | P:TL episode "Man in the Mist" |
NG | News Group |
P:TL | "Poltergeist: the Legacy" |
Seattle Legacy House | Patti's virtual legacy house located at http://members.aol.com/legacymemb/legacy.htm |
SH | The 1988 Derek de Lint movie "Stealing Heaven" |
SOTF | P:TL episode "Sins of the Father" |
SOTR | Season Four P:TL episode "Song of the Raven" |
TDL | P:TL episode "The Devil's Lighthouse" |
TOL | The Showtime SciFi show "The Outer Limits" - also made by Trilogy Entertainment |
Traitor | P:TL episode "A Traitor Among Us" |
TWOP | P:TL episode "Town Without Pity" |
Vancouver | Where location shots for P:TL are filmed. |
General P:TL Stuff
"Thank Gott" | Favorite expressions of our favorite precept (must be said with a Dutch accent). Also "My Got", "Good Got", etc. |
BDCPFWA | "Beer Drinking, Chess Playing Fairies with Attitude" - variation on Nick's statement from P:TL episode "Lights Out!" |
Derekstacy | The state of a DerekWench when the object of her affection says something--ANYthing!--in that dreamy Dutch accent!" |
ep | episode |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question list |
"Hi, Martin" | Chat room greeting for unrecognized guests (just in case Martin Cummins is lurking...) |
kidding | An indication that something you just said included a heavy dose of sarcasm. See Nick's use of this in the Pilot. |
kilt | To be killed OR it is someting that the faires wore while playing bagpipes |
Nick Nirvana | State of euphoria induced by watching hours of Nick and his megawatt smile |
Off | To kill someone (or yourself) |
Philiphoria | Dizziness, loss of speech, and heart palpitations in the presence of a priestly collar. If priest is Irish, fainting may also occur. |
Rachelish | the tendency not to believe something even though it walks up and smacks you in the face |
shredded cassock | Article of Philip's clothing sometimes used in place of a trout to slap Philip fans |
SPU | Common Catholic oath "Saints Preserve Us" (also used by Philip) |
Stealth Chat | An unscheduled P:TL chat |
Theatre | Pronounced "Thee-a-tuh" -- that performance medium that keeps Patrick Fitzgerald from P:TL far too often |
UST | Unresolved Sexual Tension |
Yah | "yes" said with Martin Cummins Canadian accent. Frequently followed by "You Betcha!" |
Misc Web Stuff
<eg> | Evil Grin |
<g> | Grin |
<vbg> | Very Big Grin |
<veg> | Very Evil Grin |
addy | address or URL |
Beta-reader | Someone who reads fanfic before it is posted to a mailing list or is posted on the web. A beta reader would do some or all of the following tasks: Spelling and grammar checking, making note of any glaring errors, giving comments and suggestions about the story/character development, pointing out plot holes, and challenging your writing. |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTW | By The Way |
CTS | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - condition which affects the ability of some fanfic writers to finish their stories! |
CU | See you! (as in see you later) |
emoticons | Those little smiley face things that people use to express themselves ;) |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
H/C | "Hurt/Comfort" fanfic stories |
IMHO | In my humble (or honest) opinion |
IMNSHO | In my not-so-humble opinion |
IMO | In my opinion |
IRL | In real life |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
Keyboard Faeries | Those pesky little supernatural varmints that are responsible for bad typing. |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
PWP | "Plot? What Plot?" fanfic stories (sometimes also called "Passion Without Purpose" stories) |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFLMAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off |
ROTFLOCAO | Rolling on the floor laughing our collective a**es off |
RPG | Role Playing Game |
RTFM | Read the f*******g manual |
SCOOMN | Spitting coffee out of my nose (from laughing so hard) |
SDPOoMN | Spitting Dr.Pepper out of my nose (from laughing so hard) |
trout | aquatic creature frequently used for slapping people around in the IRC chat room |
TTFN | Ta Ta For Now |
TTYL | Talk To Ya Later |
WB | Welcome back |
WMNLOL | Waking My Neighbors Laughing Out Loud |
This website designed by P. Thompson. All content compiled by M.A. Davis. Site designed using Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 and Corel Photo-Paint 6.0. Graphics are the property of P. Thompson and may not be used without express permission. Poltergeist: The LegacyTM is licensed to Trilogy Entertainment Group and MGM/UA Pictures.