The U.S.S. Odyssey

Ship Specifications
Primary Data
Class: Glaxay Class (Upgraded)
Type: Advanced Scout
Registration: NCC-615336
Classification: Cruiser
Physical Characteristics
Length: 1021.6 meters
Beam: 590 meters
Draft: 280.2 meters
Displacement: 875,400 metric tons
Main Computer
25 Standard
12 Cargo
Shuttle Craft and Other Ships
2 Warp Capable Runabouts (U.S.S. Amazon, U.S.S.
45 Non-warp Standard Shuttles
25 Maintenance Shuttles
Hawk Class Fighters
Modified Dragon Class Fighter/Bomber
U.S.S. Falcon
Standard Cruise Speed: Warp 7.1
Maximum Safe Cruising Speed: Warp 9.89
Emergency Speed: Warp 9.99965
Total Crew Count: 1300+
Passenger Capacity: 300 Standard (900+ Capacity)
Deflectors and Shields
The deflector system is the primary defensive
system on all classes of starships. It is a series of powerful deflector
shields that protect both the spacecraft and its crew from both natural
and artificial hazards.
Like most force field devices, the deflector
system creates a localized zone of highly focused spatial distortion within
which an energetic graviton field is maintained. The deflector field itself
is imitted and shaped by a series of conformal transmission grids on the
spacecraft exterior, resulting in a field that closely follows the form
of the vehicle itself. The field is highly resistive due to mechanical
incursions ranging from relativistic subatomic particles to more massive
objects at lesser relative velocities. When such an intrusion occurs, field
energy is concentrated at the point of impact, creating an intense, localized
To an observer aboard the Odyssey, it appears
that the intruding object has "bounced off" the shield. A zero-dimensional
observer on the intruding object would, however, perceive that his/her
trajectory is unaffected, but that the location of the starship has suddenly
changed. This is somewhat analogous to the spacial distortion created by
a natural gravity well, and is typically accompanied by a momentary discharge
of Cerenkov radiation, often perceived as a brief blue flash. The deflector
is also effective against wide range of electromagnetic, nuclear, and other
radiated and field energies.
The deflector systems utilizes one or more
graviton polarity source generators whose output is phase-synchronized
through a series of subspace field distortion amplifiers. Flux energy for
the Primary Hull is generated by 7 field generators located on deck 10.
The Galaxy class starships had 5 generators on deck 10. Four addition generators
are located on the Secondary Hull. This number has been upgraded also.
The Galaxy class starships had three generators on the Secondary Hull.
Two additional generators are located in each of the warp nacelles. Each
generator consists of a cluster of fourteen 42 MW graviton polarity sources
feeding a pair of 675 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers.
On the Galaxy class starship each generator consisted of a cluster of twelve
32 MW graviton polarity sources feeding a pair of 625 millochrane subspace
field distortion amplifiers.
Providing shielding against the entire spectrum
of electromagnetic radiation would prove far to energy-costly for normal
cruise mode use. Additionally, a full-spectrum shielding would prevent
onboard sensors from gathering many types of scientific and tactical data.
Instead, Cruise Mode operate at the relatively low level (approximately
5% of rated output) and at the specific frequency bands necessary to protect
the spacecraft's habitable volume to SFRA-standard 347.3 levels for EM
and nuclear radiation. During Alert situations, shields are raised to defensive
configuration by increasing generator power to at least 83% of rated output.
The Odyssey is able to transfer power directly
from the Plasma Venting System to the shields. This allows the shields
to increase 6.7 % in times on emergency. The Odyssey is the second ship
in Starfleet to be able to do this. The Odyssey can also use the deflector
dish to add more power to the front shields. This is obtained using a Starfleet
Megaflux Simmulator. This can increase shield power by 3.2 %.
The metaphasic shield was introduced about
3 years ago by a Ferengi scientist. However, with recent improvements made
by Starfleet has made the type one metaphasic shield seem obsolete. By
using the main deflector dish we have been able to enhance the metaphasic
shield. The new metaphasic shield has been classified as the type II metaphasic
shield which operates at 200% of optimal compared to the old metaphasic
shield. It allows the ship to stay in standard orbit around a star for
generally around 24 hours before the radiation penetrates the shield.
Long Range Sensors and Holographic
The long range sensors include a holographic
scanner that will allow the Odyssey to scan adjacent sectors and display
a graphical representation of whatever is in that sector. A cloaked vessel
would generate a outline of it.
Main Phasers: 10 Banks/2 Each
As installed in the Galaxy class, the main
ship's phasers are rated as type X, which once was the largest emitter
available for starships. They were capable of producing 5.1 megawatts.
The Odyssey has a type X upgraded version 6.7 . This is capable of producing
6.7 megawatts.
The Odyssey also has two Version 88.9 Plasma
Shunt Phasers (PSP), located in the front of the saucer. These are capable
of producing 5.9 megawatts. This adds greatly to the fire power of the
A typical large phaser array aboard the USS
Enterprise consists of two hundred emitter segments in a dense linear arrangement
for optimal control of firing order, thermal effects, field halos, and
target impacts. The USS Odyssey has 230 emitter segments. Groups of emitters
are supplied by redundant sets of energy feeds from the primary trunks
of the electro plasma system (EPS), and are similarly interconnected by
fire control, thermal management, and sensor lines. The visible hull surface
configuration of the phaser is a long shallow raised strip, the bulk of
the hardware submerged within the vehicle frame.
The first stage of the array segment is the
EPS submaster flow regulator, the principal mechanism controlling phaser
power levels for firing. The flow regulator leads into the plasma distribution
manifold (PDM), which branches into two hundred supply conduits to an equal
number of prefire chambers. The final stage of the system is the phaser
emitter crystal.
The standard photon torpedo carried by the
Galaxy class is elongated, eliptical tube, constructed of molded and expanded
duranium and plasma bonded terminium outer skin. The complete casing of
the Galaxy class torpedoes measured 2.1 x 0.76 v 0.45 meters and masses
247.5 kilograms dry weight.
Galaxy class photon torpedoes use a multimode
sustainer engine that is capable of almost breaking the warp barrier. The
Odyssey torpedoes have engine modifications that decrease weight, as above,
and slightly increase speed and target accuracy. Accuracy is speculated
to have collision within 0.75 meters of the true target or closer, to be
proven in tests done later this year.
The actual firing operation occurs in two
launcher tubes, one within the connecting dorsal on Deck 25, and one aft
above the support pylon wing on Deck 35. The launcher is downstream from
four loader stations where the M/A fuels are injected into four torpedoes
at one time in the Galaxy class weapons.
Plasma Torpedoes
The USS Odyssey is also equipt with 90 Plasma
Torpedoes. These torpedoes are used in an event in which you do not want
a large explosion, caused by a photon. The Plasma Torpedoes are stored
on Deck 15, Section 8. They are fired throught the Photon Torpedo ports.
The Plasma Torpedoes are Version 8.90pT.
The USS Odyssey is equipt with 10 Plasma Torpedoes,
Version 8.91dT. These are specifically designed for knocking out the engines
of a ship with no shields up.
If you would like any further information about the U.S.S.
Odyssey, please contact Captain
Christian Klindt or Commander Periwinkle
Mason via these e-Mail links.

For more information on other ships aboard the U.S.S.
Odyssey, please e-Mail the Webmaster Lieutenant
Commander Sarvok Cha'Tavek.
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