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This is the Best site I have ever seen for purchasing. Easy, FAST delivery, and CHEAP prices. Books, Movies, CDs, Tapes, Vinyl, and ANY PRODUCT you can think of!
"An exploration in fully-rendered real-time 3-D virtual reality artificial intelligence"
This is a "Hands-On" site designed and maintained by Rob.
Please make sure your hands are in the ON position...
You might ask "What's all this talk about Entropy?" Ask Rob
**Brand new Led Zeppelin and Tool FAQ available!**
Mail me to recieve them
My newer webpage, the Aphex Twin Room
Rob's cousin Owen's homepage
The CRAZIEST thing I've ever seen. Read the transcripts!
Rob's friend Dave's homepage
Something has to change.....
Ever meet a real live insane person? Meet Miles**
**please, this site is not for the faint of heart and children, especially
An Interview with Aphex Twin
Tool has been the only band ever to be featured in the Basement, and I think I'll keep them there for a while..... (no pun intended {like you know what I'm talking about!} )
Humor Section: Crack Slogans
Crack is no joke. Crack destroys lives. This section pokes FUN at crack and does in no way condone the use of drugs. We here at Entropy remind you NEVER to smoke crack or any other substance that even remotely resembles crack.
Note: You are currently "Surfing the Web" on the "INTERNET"
Rob accepts no responsibility for psychological damage done due to above pictures.
the backwards-talking midget with the red suit is brought to you by David Lynch's movie
"Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me"
ask anyone, it is ACTUALLY the best movie ever made; with Led Zeppelin's "The Song Remains the Same" coming in a very close second. Read about it HERE
Beavis reminds you:"Just Do It."
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