| ![]() This page is a dedication to all the hard work Marvel's fantastic team of writer's and illustrators have put into creating their female mutant characters. And, no I am not female, and no I don't aspire to be female, but I believe that Marvel's female mutant characters needed a place of their own, so I decided to place it here. As any of you who read Marvel's X-books should know, there are a lot of female mutants, so its going to take me a while, to be able to get bios and pics for them all onto this page. The ones that I do have are still not done. I am only making this site for fun, I don't gain anything out of it, so if you enjoy this page, let me know. If you don't, let me know.
Oh, yea' before I forget. There are some links here referring to X-wars, which is a Role Playing mailing list that is always looking for new members. So if you enjoy writing, you can create your own character or use an established character that you like, as long as no one is using him/her. For more info you can go to E-Groups.com. So, if you want to send me some greatly appreciated feedback on this page, I'd appreciate it. -from the coolest male Phoenix on the net! |
A tale of my favorite X-females...
Links to other sites on the Web
The X-wars page
X-wars RP page
Cool pics from Sinister
My Guestbook
Approximately... people have wandered aimlessly through my pages, including you WOOHOO!