
Alright, here's the page about me. Everyone has one these days. Sigh. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not that interesting. :-)

Yup, this is me.

I live in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Well, actually it's Haycock Township...I don't like to be associated with Quakertown too much...I used to live a few miles down the road in even deeper, darker Haycock. I've also graced Milford, Hatfield, Telford, and East Greenville with my presence. Watch out State College, you're next!

I'm 22...Sigh, I don't WANT to get any older. Well, okay...Maybe I could age just until about 28? I figure by then I might have enough patience fot the 5 children I want (Hope my husband likes children. :-) No, I'm not married, but I do have a boyfriend.. Poor Josh. If he's reading this he's probably thinking "Geez, my girlfriend is talking about marriage and children...I'm outta here!" Nah. He's great. He knows I don't plan on getting married or having children anytime in the near future...Give me a few years at least. I plan on being independantly wealthy before all of that. :-) Hmmm, Josh is a Chemical Engineer Major at Penn State...I hear they make good money...guess I should keep him around. :-)

This is him...
Isn't he the cutiest? He's really, really sweet, too. In fact, Josh is everything I've ever wanted in a guy. :-)

Well, my birthday is April 14, 1978. (Send me presents!! )
My favorite colors are green, silver, and grey. My favorite flowers are tiger lilies, and I love all and any wildflowers.

Let's see, what other boring facts can I bore you with. I love the outdoors. Especially the woods and taking late night walks. I love the wind, rain, and picnics. I like to go hiking.

I have two older brothers. Rob is the oldest at 33 and he has a fiance, Ang. And of course there's Chandler Thomas Erdman, (my simply adorable nephew)

Isn't he cute?

Oh yeah, my other brother...Chris. He's 26. He lives in Quakertown with his fiance Audrey and their 3 kids, Nugget, Ruby, and Harley. Okay, so they're Dauchounds...but they're more work then most kids!

I love anything to do with fantasy, Renaissance, and Medieval type stuff.  I love to read books. I mostly read TSR., Anne McCaffrey, and Terry Brooks, although I read many, upon many books by very good authors.

I like to camp in a tent in the middle of nowhere. A great place to do that is a Ricket's Glen in Pennsylvania....That was fun. A huge black bear wandered through our campsite. It was cool to watch him. I also went camping up in Maine for a week about 15 feet from the ocean. And in March I plan to go to Scotland where we'll be staying with 4 guy friends. (I'm sorry Josh, But I'm not camping in a tent...It's too cold! :-)

I have a cocker Spaniel, Sandy, who's a spoiled brat, but she lives with my dad and his Fiance, Carolyn in Telford.


This is my bestest friend Sarah!!! Go here to check out my Shrine to her <G> No, we're NOT lesbians, thank you. (Not that there's anythign wrong with that) I'm just weird and make shrines to my best friend. It's fun. :-)

One of these days I might join the SCA cause it's cool, and you get to beat people in armor with big sticks. :-)

This is Randy...Randy's cool.       

I'm gonna become a multi-millionaire. Why? Because I said so. :-)

Well if you have any questions or comments, I'd be glad to get the mail so if ya want to drop a line, click on the page...........

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