The World Beyond

Welcome to the World Beyond, an examination of unexplained. In this place there is no Science Fiction, only Science Speculation, and that from an Earthbound, end-of-the-twentieth-century perspective. It should be remembered that what is fantasy here may be archaic history elsewhere. There are hundreds of billions upon billions of stars, to paraphrase the recently departed prophet, Carl Sagan. Of these perhaps a hundred billions have viable planetary systems. Of these perhaps as many as a hundred million million have produced civilizations since the beginning of time. Of these, many have known of you and your world. It is a large universe.

In this place ghosts share the room in which you sleep, the office in which you work, the church in which your worship, the bar in which you drink. They envy you your flesh. They watch with jealous, empty eyes, waiting. Waiting is what they do best, now. They've been waiting in the same space for a hundred, two-hundred, a thousand years. Your lifetime means nothing to them. They have all the time in the Universe. It is a large universe.

This is a place where your past reality collides headlong with your current reality. All the lives you've live gather here, available for your perusal. Here you can come to know yourself as never before. Here you will learn why certain place names nag at you when you hear them. Why a certain facial expression in a certain cracked and faded photograph is so hauntingly famililar. Here, all time is now, and all roads lead to the same point. You have travelled many paths. The Universe is full of paths. It is a large Universe.

Magic is alive here. The forces of your planet are richly displayed. Forces so many choose to deny. Forces so many chose to fear. They lable the forces with derrogatory names: "Witchcraft," "Alchemy," "Black Magic." It is much easier to run and hide than to attempt to understand. But your Earth is a living, breathing thing. It has many gifts which it wishes to bestow upon it's children. It can teach you to tap into the energy that it possesses, the wisdom that is the wind, the truth that is the rain, the anger that is the thunder, the lifeforce that is the lightning. For the ground contains the powers of the planet, as does the water and the sky. The planet draws power from the sun, and the sun shares the magic of the Universe. It is a large Universe.

As this site develops and grows, more and more of the World Beyond your world will be brought to you. All sides of ever argument will be yours to explore, and in the end it will be your task to make the decision. Will you cower in your current existance, unwilling to open yourself to the totality that live can be?

Or will you...

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