I think that the evidence is overwhelming, no matter what the UFO's May look like, they're out there..............Somewhere
The evidence is overwhelming. People all over the world have reported sightings of UFO's. Several pictures have been taken. Although the authenticity of some of the pictures is very questionable, some have to be real. Skeptics can always chock up Alien encounters as paranoia, military exercises, or any number of excuses that people can dream up. If people don't believe, they can't be forced. No matter how much evidence is presented, then they will always find an excuse not to believe. I have also found myself skeptical, but I believe the coined
FILES phrase that fits appropriately would be:

Here are some of the topics that I hope to touch on (server space permitting)
- What are the theories about what they look like?
- Why do they only abduct rednecks?
- Why does the government know so much, and say so little?
- How accurate are the movies that depict UFO encounters?
- Where is the Extraterrestrial Highway and how did it come to be?
- What is AREA 51 and where is it?
- Where can I find more information about UFO's and Aliens?
- Where can I read some texts about aliens and UFO's?
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