Food for thought while my page loads... Today young men on acid realize
that all matter is mearly energy,
condensed to a slow vibration.
That we are all of one consciousness
inside each other.
Death isn't real,
Life is a dream
and we're all just the imagination of ourselves...
Here's Tom with the weather.
Come into my world...
And you may never leave.
Greetings and salutations from the darker regions
of my world, where everything is peaches and cream.
This is a notice to all my friends who might happen to stumble on to my page here. I would really like to hear from any and all of you. Please write to me at my snail mail address, which follows. I am unable to check my page regularly these days. So if you want to contact me, write to me, I will write back. You can also e-mail me if you don't want to write snail mail letters. I have a new email address so click on the link below to contact me. I have people check my e-mail on a regular basis and they can print it and send it to me. I would really like to hear from some of you. Here is the address:
Shaun Miller #241901
The contents of this page are soon to contain a collection of all of the cool and interesting things that I enjoy, from my favorite musical groups to some of the more odd corners of the web that I have found. If you don't agree with my views on life, or don't want to hear what I am trying to say, that's fine, nobody said you had to listen. And if you would like to sample some of my writings, OF WHICH I HAVE RECENTLY ADDED MORE OF, click here.
Check out my moms homepage. She's a great lady who has a very nice page. (and helped me learn how to do mine..THANX MOM!!!)
Jethro Tull probably my all time favorite group
The Grateful Dead yes, another deadhead
Pink Floyd cosmically groovy
The Anarchy homepage
N.O.R.M.L. homepage
F.B.I. Homepage (I check frequently to see if i have made the most wanted yet)
The National Debt clock
UFO virtual library
The Strawberry Pop-Tart Experiment (You gotta see for yourself)
CIA and LSD always makes for interesting reading
Ken Kesey's homepage
The Hippy homepage
The X-Files homepage
If you have any questions or comments, or just want to talk to the lunatic behind the page, E-Mail me.
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since March 16, 1997
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