Well I decided to make this page for anyone who might be feeling overwhelmed at the idea of creating a homepage. Not to worry because it really is not as hard as it looks.
I know sometimes you probably want to scream
but hang in there
Below you will find some of the best links around to help you
create a homepage that you will be proud of. When I started out,
I had no idea what I was doing, but there are a lot of resources
out there. The only problem is how to find them!!!!
What I have done here is compiled a list of helpful links
that I have utilized to create "Mikes Kool World".....
As you can see, I've created a site that hopefully has something
for everyone.
I think you will find all that you need here to get started,
such as music,free homepage builders, clocks,
counters,guestbooks,and more.It's all here.......
If you think there is something that I should include here,
then by all means e-mail me and let me know. I hope the things below are as helpful to you as they were for me....Also if you find a link that's not working, please drop me an e-mail and tell me which one isn't so I can fix it. Sometimes addresses change and I may miss it.
Okay We WebTv users have a small problem. We can't upload our favorite photos to our Homepages. Well I have the solution.
A close family friend of mine in Florida will scan and load photos for an extremely reasonable rate. His name is Jerry and he does absolutely great work. If you want to use his services click on his banner below.
My Favorite Resources......
Geocities free homepages
-Great place to start your page
Tripods free homepage builder
Webtv FAQ(frequently asked question) Page-Great info and tools
Guestbooks Unlimited-Get a guestbook for your page
Dreambook-another free service
Web Techs page validation service-Learn what HTML goes into a page
Webtv Tricks-Kool special effects
Awesome Counters from QPT Networks
WebTv Network's WeCare Online
WebTv POPCheck what lines your box is dialing
Find other WebTv users
WebTv TimesCheck it out!!
WebTv Users Forum
The WebTv Experts
On The Net- List of WebTv Users Sites
The WebTv Matchmaker
NET4tv Voice
BoB's WebTv Chat Links
doesn't matter's WebTv Page
Spaceghost's Helpful Hints on WebTv
Le Fantome Fantasy Intro
Ultimate TV- WebTv Help
Connect to WebTv with Mindspring
WebTv HTML Guide
Smart TV
N2play's Audio Page for WebTv- Check it out!!
Robbies WebTv Games Galore
More Webtv Tricks-More tricks for your page
WebTv resources & info
BNJPUNKS WebTv instant messenger
Web Builders: Free banners
WebTv Plus: Board
HTML tester & word processor
Alan's WebTv Guide
Dave's MIDI's for WebTv
WebTv User Profile
Log Me On - Personal web address book & storage site for FREE. great for WebTv
Bill Kendricks WebTv friendly Games
Free Uploading Service for WebTv
WAWG - WebTv Amateur Writers Guild
Ultimate E-mail directory
The Front Page Collection of Search Engines
The front Page Collection of Great Starting Places & Links
Thw WebTv Guru & Community Webring
Andresens Family Webtv page-Help for folks with Webtv
Midi Farm-Find great music here
Ultimate T.V. and Movie Midi page-More great music for your page
The Earchives-Great Movie sounds
Want some kool gifs for your WebTv pages?? Then check out Draacs gifs below
How to put HTML in your WebTv E-mails
Vickrams Midifest-great tunes
Fairy Suryana's gifs page
VR-Mall animated gifs
Newbies HTML Help page
100% WebTv page
Need to look something up? Try Yahoo...
Newsgroups A-W: 75 Topics
Alternative Newsgroups
Recreation Newsgroups
Society Newsgroups
Email: obiwan@webtv.net

Internet for the rest of us........
You are the....
....To need Help!
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