Good evening, this is the voice of Enigma. In the next hour we will take you with us into another world. Into a world of music, spirit, and meditation. Turn off the light, take a deep breath, and relax. Start to move slowly, very slowly. Let the rythm be your guiding light....
"The Voice of Enigma"
Love - Devotion.
Feeling - Emotion. Don't be afraid to be weak,
Don't be too proud to be strong. Just look into your heart my friend. That will be the return to yourself.
The return to innocence.....
If you want, then start to laugh.
If you must, then start to cry. Be yourself, don't
hide. Just believe in destiny. Don't care what people say.
Just follow your own way. Don't give up and use the chance. To return to innocence.That's not the beginning of the end.
That's the return to yourself. The return to
Lyrics to "Return To Innocence" - Enigma - 1993
Background Song - "Sadness" - Enigma - 1990
Hey glad you made it!!!
Come on in and stay awhile!!!
Let me start by welcoming you to my little chunk of Cyberspace. As you will see here, some of my main interests are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and of course, anything Mystical. Hence the Pegasus, and the other images within. I have put many of my favorite things in my pages.
Hopefully you will find something that catches your eye while exploring my magical world.
All pages are being updated, excuse the mess.
The background music from Enigma always reminds me of when my wife and I met. A very special time in our lives. Do you believe in magic? I do. It happened the day we met...
Let me know if you think I should add something or if you would like your homepage added to my Crypt page...
Here are some other "Enigma" tunes for your listening pleasure. Relax and enjoy...
If you should come across a link that doesn't work, please drop me an e-mail
[Mea Culpa]
[Principles of Lust]
[Return to Innocence]
So stay awhile and have fun exploring "Mikes Kool World".
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