Welcome to my page, My pages are mostly about fantasy, about the fun and magic that is instilled in us as children. I love unicorns and they are a big part of my pages. I also love the mystery of travel and seeing new places, and of course there are the games I like to play. I try to make everyone's stay at my place in this cyberworld a fun and happy stay I am always adding to it and trying to make it better and keep it growing. It is a big part of me and the way it looks is the way I think. Each page is an artistic expression of myself and I try to make each page different and unique. In my pages I have what I love, music, fantasy and fun. I try to keep my unicorn image collection growing. And so long as I have server space I will keep working on these pages. I hope those who knew the page before like the new look and think it is easier to navigate. I don't talk much on each page but i might get around to changing that one day, but for now I welcome you here for your journey. So sit back and enjoy your little tour of my brain. Watch where you step you might make me forget something :-) now what was i saying :-0 lol.