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Star Wars Chapter 4.7: We've Really Done it This Time

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Star Wars: The Lost Chapter 4.7

Prepare to enter the official web page of the world's most bizzarre Star Wars movie! Learn about the filming, download music from the original Star Wars, read the scripts, learn about the cast!! My the force be loaded!!

News... What's Going On?

6/9/97 More Characters Will be Added... Script Being Revised

When I said that the final version of the script was ready... I LIED!! HAHAHAHAHHAA!! A new version is being worked on right now, and (hopefully) soon will be done!! Yay!!

5/14/97 Casting Completed!!

Casting for Star Wars Chapter 4.7: We've Really Done it this Time Is completed!! The script with the names will be availiable soon, and the names of the people and the parts that they play will be listed here.

4/27/97 New Web Pages by Me!!

I have created a new web masterpiece... it is a web site for my Quake clan. the address is Also, Jared Colburn and I will be combining our talent to make the world's coolest web page ever.

4/26/97 No, I Haven't Forgotten About the Movie!!

Sorry it's been so long since there's been an update, but a lot has been going on in my personal life that sorta got in the way of auditions and such. The new audition date will be in May, so that way I won't be grounded any more. Thanks for being very patient about all of this.

4/8/97 Site Layout Slighlty Changed

I've added a new navigation bar at the bottom of each page, so now non-frames browsers can look at my page and efficiently navigate it, too. I also added a few more downloads and changed the font.

4/6/97 Revised Script Completed

The revised script has been completed. I am very happy with this version of the script, so it just might be the last version, too...

3/26/97 Eryk Nielsen Lends a Hand...

Eryk Nielsen, a recent graduate of MRHS, has elected to help add some finishing touches to my script to make it as good as possible and to clear up any weaken points... so, therefore... it is possible that the script isn't complete yet!! Hrmm...

3/25/97 Site Format Changed

The site format has been changed a bit... woo hoo.

3/25/97 Scripts Completed!!

Yes!! The script for Star Wars Chapter 4.7: We've Really Done it This Time is COMPLETE!! Check it out, it kicks butt!

3/19/97 Audition Date Might Be Changed Again!!

Ahhh!! The audition date may have to be cjanged again, for the script isn't done, and I'm not sure if I can have it ready in time... hopefully, this can be pulled off... hopefully....

3/12/97 Audition Date Changed to April 19, 1997!!

Due to poor planning, the audition date has been resheduled to a Saturday. Wednesday just wasn't a good day.

3/11/97 Scripts Availiable

Well... I have some very good news for all of you that have visited my Star Wars page... a sample script is NOW AVAILIABLE!! This is NOT, I repeat, IS NOT the final version of the script, who knows if all the scenes in it will be kept.

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