Ah, the Power of Country Music

I am doing a research project in the cardiac mechanics labratories here at UCSD and because of some government regulation I can't actually kill the mice whose hearts are used in my experiments. As a result I have been partnered with a bald Chinese graduate student who is about 40 years old who cuts out the mice hearts for me and gives them to me. This man's name is Li, and some say that he speaks English, but he most certainly doesn't speak the form of English that I, nor most people I know speak. The professor whom I work under has been working with Li for almost a year now, and when I asked him to tell me what Li said to me one day my professor turned to me and remarked, "in the past year I've understood about 6 words the man has said, I have no clue what he just told you!" Regardless, today I was at one of the computers going over some data and had the radio tuned to country. Li was in the room at another computer writing a paper in Mandarin. There is also a freshman named Eugene who has been working in the lab for several years as a techie. Eugene, a young punk whose parents immigrated from Russia the day after the USSR collapsed, entered the computer lab this afternoon and nearly launched a nuke when he heard the country music. I informed him that I liked country, and then jokingly pointed at Li and said, "Li likes country too". To my surprise, Li turned around and said, in English, "yes, yes, I love country....so soothing, so fun!". Both the Ruskie and I were in shock, and he left realizing that there was no chance that the radio station would be changed. Li then turned to me and proceeded to motion for High 5, followed by the motion where you punch eachothers fists. A few songs later I taught Li how to line dance to "Aint goin' down till the sun comes up" by Garth Brooks. After all was said and done, I still hardly understand a word the man says. But it certainly speaks volumes when a Jew is teaching an incoherent Chinese man how to line dance. Thus, this is the true power of country music.

I hope that this livens up the day of anyone who reads it.

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� 2003 Moriel Vandsburger