This is what people have said about me and my webpage!! |
Theresa - 10/30/99 08:05:53 My | Comments: Hey there, you really need to update this page, in fact i don't even know if you're going to read this, but i thought since you've left so many nice messages on my pages that i would come back to your's and blabber on. Hope your day went well and you haven't gone too insane like I have been going, but i'm pretty sure you haven' la lala, okay what else, whelp, i think that's about it... |
Tress - 02/02/99 23:10:04 My URL: My | Comments: I'm signing once again! Love what you've done with the place. :) All your secrets are safe with me, and it better be likewise as well, or else you'll get what the last guy that p#$$ed me off got! Just ask, I'll tell you exactly what happened. Love ya babe... :) |
Theresa the Goddess - 01/25/99 07:52:27 My URL: My | Comments: Hey Rico Suave, I'm signing your guestbook, AGAIN!!! No you do not make me do things and I am not yo' ho!!! Love the page, since, well, there's so much about moi on it! :) Love ya babe. |
Lanetra Carther - 01/24/99 22:21:41 My | Comments: Damn man!! That second picture looked kinda crazy, but other than that, not a bad lookin' web page bro!! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/24/98 08:12:39 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Zia MiChelle - 08/17/98 14:28:11 My URL: My | Comments: "Take your hand and place in your pocket~ Flick your eyes back in their socket~ Put those thoughts away~ Sometimes their much to loud~ I'll take a breath~ And cradle your sweet head~ Should've stayed at home in bed~ Put that face away I'm melting for you~ I know, I get cold~ Cause I can't leave things well alone~ Understand I'm accident prone~ Me, I get free~ Every night the moon is mine~ But when the morning comes~ Don't say you love me~ Don't say you need me~ I really don't think that's fair~ Boy I'm not so dumb~ But when you leave me~ I'll be wishingI, wishing I, wishing I was there with you~ I dreamt~ About another girl in bed with you~ You just laughed and smiled denied the proof~ We're fine til I think of the problem~ I wish it made sense~ Like a joke that no one gets~ It's a life without regret~ I want to feel this way forever and ever~" ~Natalie Imbruglia~ 'Wishing I was There' ....That is all I can say for now maybe someday you will understand fully how I am feeling at this moment..... |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Tira (PassionRose) - 04/29/98 14:44:11 My URL: My | Comments: Your page look great my sexy Alaskan Puerto Rican lollipop (LOL) Kudo's babe so when ya gonna put my picture up there ...or are you waiting till we get our picture taken together in Chicago. *smooches* P.S. *F*W*A*P* where are the pillows now huh? :P LOL Luv you Lots Ricardo my senuous flirt. |
Cuz - 10/21/97 00:03:01 My | Comments: Freaky Deaky! |
Ape - 10/19/97 04:32:20 My | Comments: Your da bomb baby!! i had to show my best friend Erin your page 'cause i just thought it was so nifty! Nifty? What kind of word is that? Them darn Indianans are rubbing off on me! : ) I love you babe! |
April Lemond - 10/02/97 01:11:50 My | Comments: Ricardo! i can't believe you put my picture on the internet! you're so silly! that's really cool though, how in the world did you do that? i'm gonna have to show all my friends! By the way, i won't be able to email again till monday, but write me when ver you can so that i have lots of messages on monday! i love you silly guy! |
Sassy Lady - 08/29/97 20:25:46 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Stranger....*L* thanks for signing my book...... I'm glad that we met.Your a friend that i will treasure forever...*S* When lifes misfortunes get you down, Think of me....*L* I couldn't resist saying that.......*S* Okay i'm going now.....I like what you have down to your page....Especially since you added me...*W* Okay i can't wait to chat to you so i'll see you ya..... |
Hiram Benitez - 08/05/97 23:42:33 GMT |
Comments: Very Nice. Interesting Information. Was not aware of such deep, true and passionate love you have for one another I guess now I know You are very creative. All for now, Love, Dad . . |
Sherlock_Holmes - 07/30/97 01:35:33 GMT My URL: My |
Comments: I guess it's my turn now.... I'm okay, for now. Lots of work left to do on the 'ol site. Check it out next week (hopefully it'll be done by then), and give me a call! |
Laura S. Martinez - 07/19/97 19:17:51 GMT My |
Comments: I came. I saw. And now I'm done!! Hey Ricaardo, Cool web page, like the improvements. Are going to help me with mine? Oh yeah, did you recieve my e-mail yet? |
Ricki Jean - 07/17/97 09:10:39 GMT My | Comments: Ricardo,HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -RICKI |
Ross Glenn - 07/11/97 18:20:02 GMT My URL: My | Comments: This age rules! Look at my page, it rocks, too! This page has Everything! |
Jens Christian Larsen - 07/07/97 20:24:38 GMT My | Comments: The Midi's won't play. What am I doing wrong?(MIDI works now...) |
Ray_Ray - 07/07/97 19:34:09 GMT My Email:terry_b | Comments: Hey Ricardo, whats up?? But anyway nice page again BUT, i'm not getting the midi it say's 2 things, Debug:Unble to st rt MIDI; And Error: Unable to start midi; BUt any, i need to mail you and i'll do that right quick, See ya latter =Þ >8) |
KENDRA BORGEN - 07/05/97 23:44:17 GMT My URL:http://NOT YET,DON'T KNOW HOW. My Email:YEA I HAVE ONE (J/K) > | Comments: this is a very cool page ricardo, but now it is even better since i signed it. ha ha ha ha. lots of love and stay cool! tell jen.......HI! byebye--kb |
Alex - 07/05/97 20:10:58 GMT My | Comments: Cool Ricardo. |