82 Eredani Comand Center
"Enter" 8Q calls. Priority Sector Admiral 8Q, of the Glythe Sector Outer-Rim Front is the top highest commanding officer of the Midnight Fleet. A fan of light sweeps into the room, then disapears as the door slides shut behind you. The
command room is dark except for a bright area of view screens, holoprojectors, and control panels that give off a mixture of
colored light. 8Q acnowleges your presence as you step into the erie glow.
Sector Command Officers (SCO's) look up out of the dimly lit crew pits, surounding the central control station in a horseshoe of bustling activity. Uninterested in your visit, they continue to work at their assigned stations.
As you approach the island of light Admiral 8Q motions for you to take a seat. A visitor's chair had been carefully positioned so that a guest could turn slightly to their left and address the situation displays or twist to the right to face 8Q, but with no posibility of comfort in either position. The chair was positioned exactly so that, whenever a guest had turned toward the Admiral, one of the screens dazled the guests eyes. Admiral 8Q is not a cruel man, but he firmly believes in maintaining control under all circumstances, and he believes in precision and in the importance of the smallest detail to the greatest military operations.
Holding out a datapad, 8Q leans forward into the light.
"I suppose you would like to see the status of our fleet. This datapad contains the basic information of our fleet status, you realize ofcourse that I can not grant you any clasified information. Excuse me for a moment."
8Q leans back into the shadows, glances at the situation displays, and addresses a Commander in the crew pit.
"Commander Anseevs, are you aware that your Dreadnaughts are still in the shipyards at Valrar Alpha, holding up the Star Destroyers Imulator and Warlord?"
"Yes Admiral."
"What's the problem out there?"
"The space lanes are just too crowded," Anseevs says anxiously. "The supply freighters from the Star Galleon element and the Bulk Freighters are undisciplined. They act as though they are under no control whatsoever. I have supply freighters almost colliding with troop carriers, and nobody can decide who has priority unless a senior officer is present. The lieutenant commander there has not deployed adequate trafic controllers. You should see how it is along my routes, Admiral. The crossing sites are an absolute nightmare."
"Commander, do you imagine it will be easier to move in combat? Do you expect the Rebel's to control traffic for you?" 8Q pauses for effect, carefully holding his voice down to a near-whisper. "We're not in training simulators now. This is real war, with powerful ships, with enormous destructive capabilities the like of which the galaxy has never seen before. Moving to war on the finest space routes ever designed. And you are perhaps the most important formation commander in this sector. Yet you can't move a few freighters out of the way of an orbital shipyard? If the suply freighters have no control, why didn't you take control? If you can't even trade places between the drednaughts and Star Destroyers, how do you expect to fight the Rebels? How can I trust you to get into combat on time?"
"Admiral, this will not happen again. It's just--"
"No 'just,'" 8Q said, his voice lowering in pitch and suddenly as cold as the winters on Hoth. "Fix the problem. And never let it happen again."
"Yes Admiral!"
Look at the Fleet Status on the Datapad

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