The Birthright Netbook

This being a Netbook dedicated to the AD&D fantasy setting of Birthright.

Sun Tzu said:
"There are some roads not to follow;
some troops not to strike; some cities not to assault;
and some ground which should not be contested."
-The Art of War-

What is Birthright anyway?

designates a new or updated entry.

Domain Actions

Birthright Specific Spells

Blood Abilities

Rule Changes and Additions

Equipment and Magic Items

Awnsheghlein & Monsters

Other Information

Original Birthright Fiction

Last updated April 1, 1998

Submit to the Netbook

Satur, the dragon

Supporter ot the Adopt a Dragon Foundation

Birthright Discussion List Archive

Join the Birthright Discussion List

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This is a mirror site of the Birthright Netbook compiled and maintained Darkstar.

Please direct any questions or problems about this site to Sepsis.

Now accepting submissions of original fiction and poetry set in the Birthright world to be featured on this site.

Amethyst Alliance Award

The Amethyst Alliance Web Ring
This Amethyst Alliance site owned by Sepsis

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